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Commerce and Business Management
Dr. Girish Taneja (Coordinator)
MBA, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
22 Years (16 Years Teaching and 6 Years Industry)
Projects: 1) Funded International Project Conducted funded project on “Understanding the concept of social enterprise into teaching, learning and research” by UK – India Education Research Initiative 3 November-24 December, 2011, Visited Northampton University as Prinicipal Investigator 2) Consultancy project - Working on consultancy project on Digital marketing strategies for, “Scope Medical Devices Pvt Ltd, Ambala”.
Membership: Member of Jalandhar Management Association
Awards: 1) Awarded “Marketing Track Winner in case competition by the Case Centre, U.K. held at IIM Bangalore on 8-9 September 2014 2) Awarded research grant by UK-India Education Research Initiative (UKIERI) for studying the project on “Understanding the concept of social enterprise into teaching, learning and research” at Northampton Business School, University of Northampton, U.K. 3) Recipient of Best research paper award by All India Management Association in National Conference on Research Paper Presentation, May 2007 4) Awarded “Certificate of Excellence” by Carnation India (Multi Brand Auto Solutions) for coordinating Direct Marketing Project 5) Awarded “Certificate of Excellence” by Revolution Advertising & Promotion Pvt Ltd. for coordinating Direct Marketing Project 6) Awarded “Appreciation letter” by Next Care Inc. for motivating the students in accomplishing the sales project
Research Guidance: Supervised 1 PhD and 4 MPhil Theses. Currently guiding 4 PhD candidates.
Specialization: Marketing Management, Digital and Social Media Marketing
Brief Proifle

Dr. Girish Taneja is working as Associate Professor in Marketing Management and Coordinator of Department of Commerce, Business Management and Economics, DAV University. He has worked as Deputy Dean and HOD (Marketing) at Lovely Professional University. His case study “Next Branding Fiasco” has been adjudged “Best Case study in Marketing Track” at Anniversary Conference by The Case Centre, UK held at IIM Bangalore. He has been awarded the “Best Research Paper Presentation” award by the All India Management Association. He is the recipient of a research grant from the UK-India Education Research Initiative (UKIERI) for accomplishing a research project at Northampton Business School, University of Northampton, U.K. He has been invited as resource person on the workshops on research methodology, data analysis, and case-based teaching by various reputed business schools across northern India.

Professional Activities