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Examination System

The University follows continuous system of evaluation wherein the students are being evaluated throughout the semester comprised of theory and practical courses.

The University majorly conducts Mid Semester Examination (MSE) and End Semester Examination (ESE) in each semester. In addition, Written Quiz, Assignments, Project Work and Seminars are conducted at various interval during the semester. The overall grade is assigned by considering these components put together.

The University is adopting 10 point scale grading system of evaluation as recommended by UGC as per details below:

Class Interval (Percentage)

Letter Grade

Grade Point

> 90 - < = 100

O (Outstanding)


> 80 - < = 90

A+ (Excellent)


> 70 - < = 80

A (Very Good)


> 60 - < = 70

B+ (Good)


> 50 - < = 60

B (Above Average)


> 40 - < = 50

C (Average)



P (Pass)


Below 40

R (Re-appear)



The overall Grade Point Average is assigned to the student by Cumulating the Semester Grade Point Average of all the semesters.

The formula for Equivalent Percentage is 10×CGPA

In order to maintain the transparency in the evaluation system, every student is given a chance to scrutinize his/her answer sheet free of cost within the notified period after the conduct of examination and declaration of result by the concerned teacher.
