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Guiding Principles


  • Appointing faculty with research aptitude: Most of our faculty is PhD and few are post doc from foreign university.
  • Encouraging to get research project: our faculty and research students have project worth more than 3 Crores and have number of publication as well as patents
  • Promoting presentation of research:  and they encourage the other faculty members to write the project.
  • Set up of central facility: University have created central facility to help the faculty and research scholar.
  • University-industry linkage has been established to focus on research as per requirement of industry.
  • Visiting Farms: Agriculture faculty involves with local farmers to discuss their field related issues and also share the advancement in the technologies and instruments of farming.
  • Research at PG level: Project work is given to MSc/M tech student to develop their interest in research. Some of them have done wonderful jobs like development of software, propeller clock, smart bike.
  • University Funding : University provide funding for innovative ideas of student and faculty
  • PhD Admission: We recruit the PhD students twice a year
  • Signing of MoU: MoU with varies universities and institutes like CUP, CDAC Mohali has been established TO MAKE AVAILABLE STATE OF THE ART EQUIPMENTS TO STUDENTS and faculty.
  • Expert Lecture of Scientist: Invite has arranges experts talk and workshop from foreign experts
  • Promoting Faculty: Our Faculty is supported financially and morally to visit different countries for research and academic work
  • The students are involved in writing review article