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Vice Chancellor

Prof. (Dr) Manoj Kumar apart from being an administrator par excellence is a brilliant researcher with exciting ideas and quality publications. He received his B.E (Electronics & Communication Engg.) in the year 1990, M.Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engg.) in the year 2001 and PhD from Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar in the year 2007. He is CMI Level 5 Certified in Management & Leadership from Chartered Management Institute, UK. He was selected for a UK study tour by AICTE & British Council under the UKIERI project in 2019. He holds the distinction of being a Master Trainer in Leadership Management duly recognized by AICTE & British Council. He has supervised 09 Ph. D. candidates, published 130 research articles in leading journals and conference proceedings, authored 08 textbooks and published 02 patents to his credit.

He is Fellow-The Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers and Institutions of Engineers India, Life Member- The Indian Science Congress Association, Life Member- Computer Society of India, Indian Society of Technical Education, Member, Executive council (Punjab Academy of Sciences and 2009-2012).

He is a recipient of the Silver Medal in M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. & Engg.) from Punjab Technical University, the “Jewel of India” award by “Indian Solidarity council” for the year 2006, the ‘Best PI Co-Ordinator’ award from Secretary, D.O.E, Govt. of India under IMPACT/SSS project sponsored by D.O.E, GOI; World Bank and Swiss Development Co-operation, Switzerland. He is a Reviewer for Elsevier Science’s International Journal-Optical Fiber Technology, Springer, ICFAI Journals, and World Scientific & Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) for international conferences.

Prof. Manoj Kumar has done outstanding research in the diverse fields of optical and wireless communication. His major areas of interest are broadband optical wireless communication systems and networks, dispersion compensation, fiber nonlinearities, optical soliton transmission, WDM systems and networks, Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) and wireless sensor networks and computer communication.

Wipro Mission 10X in its endeavor of identifying the top 25 academic leaders of the country organized 03 level Academic Leadership Workshops PAN India. Dr Manoj Kumar also holds the distinction of being one of the top 25 academic leaders across India, identified and recognized by Wipro Mission 10X. Dr Manoj Kumar, an indefatigable man, has through his vision, hard work, and leadership ability lifted all the organizations, wherever he has worked, through impressive strategic planning abilities and team management skills.

He has introduced novel teaching pedagogies to improve teaching quality, focused on
research and publications, collaborations with industries for improved industry engagement, qualitative placements, movement of students into higher education programs and entrepreneurship.
