The ‘National Innovation and Start-up Policy 2019 for students and faculty in HEIs was launched by Former Minister of Education, Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ on 11th September 2019 at AICTE, New Delhi.
This policy intends to guide HEIs for promoting students’ driven innovations & start-ups and to engage the students and faculty in innovation and start up activities in campus. The policy aims at enabling HEIs to build, streamline and strengthen the innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem in campus and will be instrumental in leveraging the potential of student’s creative problem solving and entrepreneurial mind-set, and promoting a strong intra and interinstitutional partnerships with ecosystem enablers and different stakeholders at regional, national and international level. The policy is being implemented by MoE’s Innovation Cell and in coordination AICTE, UGC, state/ UT governments and universities. Implementation of policy has been undertaken for quick adoption by HEIs. The present policy is a way forward to the earlier version of AICTE’s Start-up Policy which was launched in the year 2016 to complement the Startup Action Plan under the Startup India and Stand-up India Program launched by Hon’ble Prime Minster of India.
CLICK HERE to download National Innovation and Startup Policy 2019
To know more about NISP go to https://nisp.mic.gov.in/
The state of Punjab is known for the enterprising spirit of its people which brought about the ‘green revolution’ and also made Punjab a hub of small and medium enterprise. Punjab at this point of time has a startup community which is organically formed and the roots of an authentic start up ecosystem have been seeded. The state is now on a threshold of transition to a new culture of innovation and technology driven enterprise. Top-notch infrastructure, excellent connectivity, premium educational institutes and conducive government policy add to the strengths of the state.
To develop the State as leading global hub of Startups and Innovation to accelerate economic growth and to provide large scale entrepreneurial and job opportunities in the State.
1. To develop conducive ecosystem by addressing the challenges in Enterprise, Market, Product, Knowledge, Idea, Culture.
2. To create the infrastructure and environment required for promoting entrepreneurial activities.
3. To foster Industry Academy linkages in building an entrepreneurial culture.
4. To create a Startup friendly environment by streamlining laws, rules and regulations.
The State government recognizes that innovation and entrepreneurship are crucial for the future growth of the economy. Startup and Entrepreneurship is one of the eight strategic pillars of the Punjab State Industrial policy-2017. The policy announces the launch of ‘Start-up Punjab’ in line with central governments ‘Start-up India’ and ‘Standup India’ initiatives. The policy clearly recognizes the need for business incubation and co-working spaces for small entrepreneurs and new graduates.
CLICK HERE to download Punjab Industrial & Business Development Policy 2017
DAV University has formulated the innovation and startup policy in tune with the National Innovation and Startup Policy (NISP) with an objective to foster a culture of innovation and establish a start-up ecosystem on the University Campus.
Following are salient features of DAVU Innovation and Startup Policy:
Strategies & Governance for Promoting Innovation & Entrepreneurship
There is a certain procedure which must be followed by students in order to take assistance from the incubation cell or Institute Innovation council:
  • Firstly, there should be identification of the problem statement to be worked up by a student or a group of students. The problem statement should not be imaginary and must be inspired by the societal issue prevalent around.
  • The students then must craft a strategic solution for the found problem. The solution should be an idol of innovation and thus inspire others with its uniqueness. Any new solution must be discussed with the concerned official in the incubation cell.
  • These innovative solutions will automatically become a part of the GOI Contest named National Innovation conducted by the MHRD Innovation Cell. Note- Those wanting to dissociate from the event can do so.
  • Each student or group of students will be assigned a mentor after the successful evaluation and selection of the ideas.
  • Each student or group will need to prepare a prototype of the idea thus giving imagination a structure. Necessary lab facility will be bestowed by the University for the carving of this prototype.
  • The prototype will be scrutinized on some basic parameters like- market value, viability, potency, etc. by the experts who will decide the eligibility for the prototype to be given a green or red flag.
  • Once the prototype is given a green flag, the same must be documented as a tutee start-up as one of the types of corporation among- One Person Company, LLP, Partnership, and Private Limited Company. Note- Student ventures must provide the University with the registration certificates
  • With the registration certificate or equivalent as proof, that concerned start-up should officially be listed in the list of start-ups incubated at DAVU.
  • Startup activity coordinator will provide every possible support to the budding start-up to gain a major share in the market.
  • DAVU incubated startups will be motivated to involve and train other interested students in their project
Creating Innovation Pipeline and Pathways for Entrepreneurs
Creation of an environment of innovation & entrepreneurship demands advanced planning and timely execution of planned activities. Various steps planned to be undertaken to ensure the success of the implementation of this policy are as follows:
  • To encourage the entrepreneurial culture in the University, Institute Innovation council has been constituted.
  • More emphasis will be given to raising funds from the external sources, however University may sanction seed fund or debt during initial stage
  • Revenue centric activities will be emphasized to lower the dependency on the internal funding for any innovations or start-ups. Although, the University has maintained a separate innovation corpus fund comprising 1% of the total yearly budget of the University for startup purposes, still the focus would be on external funding to inculcate an attitude of a go-getter in students.
  • Fund raisers that will engage the alumni network through donations and sponsorships will be emphasized to expose the students to the art of exploration via networking.
  • Various private sector corporate will also be associated under the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation activities as per section 135 of the Companies Act
  • Various Institutional sessions like workshops, conferences, talk shows, etc., will be conducted to stimulate the students through the awareness on the significance of innovation and entrepreneurial mindset which will be created by these sessions.
  • University will emphasize on exposure of students’ part time jobs and Internships to simulate the actual working environment of the industry subsequently
Building Organizational Capacity, Human Resources and Incentives to support and promote innovative and entrepreneurial activities
University is continuously upgrading the infrastructure as per the changing trends and standards to keep up with market requirements. University will streamline its innovation ecosystem so as make it conducive for the budding start-ups by students and the faculty members.
Collaboration, Co-creation, Business Relationship and Knowledge Exchange within campus and among the ecosystem enablers
  • Mentoring by the experts concerning their specialized fields.
  • Organization of networking events for business growth
  • University intends to collaborate with relevant organizations like TIE, CIHT and other industries in the vicinity for sharing of resources. Further DAVU may use these collaborations for:
Pooling of the knowledge and trainings of budding entrepreneurs. The trainings that can be provided are:
  • Experiential trainings from giant and successful companies,
  • Business Management training,
  • Accounting software trainings
  • Any other person approved by DAV University
Norms for Students Driven Innovations and Startups
The interested students will be permitted to pursue start-up or can do a part time job in start-up incubated by any recognized Incubator or incubator in the University while studying in the University
This policy is applicable to:
  1. All students of DAV University
  2. Alumni of DAV University
  3. Faculty and Staff of DAV University
  4. Research scholars of DAV University
Incentivizing Students for Entrepreneurship and Startup pursuits
The new venture can be interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary and the students will have the option to undertake these start-ups as an option or alternative to the regular projects, summer trainings, etc. based on the recommendation of the respective department. There are some noteworthy points to be given emphasis to:
  1. Students working on start-up be given relaxation of 20% attendance towards criteria of fulfillment for appearing in ESE
  2. Students pursuing entrepreneurship as career but are in the pre-incubation stage can use the University’s address for the registration of their company with due permission from the concerned official of the University.
  3. Startup/Pre-incubated projects will be given space for storage of their goods, raw materials following University norms for material movement
  4. The students may also be provided a term/ year break to upscale and focus on the start-up. After the break, student will be allowed to complete the course.
  5. A short-term course on entrepreneurship will be launched for students interested in the entrepreneurship. Employees/Staff of the startups will be given opportunity t earn certification on entrepreneurship.
  6. To promote spirit of Entrepreneurship, DAV University will give Best Entrepreneurship award among the startups on the campus
Incentivizing faculty and Staff for Entrepreneurship and Startup pursuits
  1. Role of faculty may vary from being an owner/ direct promoter, mentor, consultant or as on- board member of the startup.
  2. Faculty startup may consist of faculty members alone or with students or with faculty of other institutes or with alumni or with other entrepreneurs. Team should be approved by the University.
  3. In case the faculty/ staff holds the executive or managerial position in a startup, they can avail upto 10 duty leaves in an academic session. Extra-ordinary leaves can be sanctioned by the competent authority based on requirement.
  4. In case of selection of a faculty start up by an outside national or international accelerator, a maximum leave (as sabbatical/ existing leave/ unpaid leave/ casual leave/ earned leave) of one semester/ year (depending upon the decision Startup Team of the DAV University) may be permitted to the faculty.
  5. Faculty must not involve research assistants or staff of DAVU in activities related to the Startups and vice-versa other than the team approved by the University
  6. Faculty will not seek equity or gratification in any manner other than outlined in the startup company documents, either directly or indirectly. In the event of the faculty member leaving the employment of DAV University, this clause will continue to apply for a period of twelve months from the date of exit.
Incubation & Pre-incubation support and facility creation
The incubatees will be provided with the physical as well as allied infrastructure where some of it will be company specific and some other will be shared by all the incubatees.
Some basic private services or infrastructure which will be available to every start-up is as under:
  1. Shared Company work area
  2. Internet connectivity
  3. Lab facilities available in the University Campus
  4. Reception
  5. Shared Computer, printer, Scanner, Photocopier facility
  6. Shared Secretarial Staff
  7. Teleconferencing services
Note: There are some departmental services and facilities which are exclusively needed by a specific company. In that case, since the services are unique and not needed by every company, so permission needs to be taken by the concerned department for any special usage of such services.
IP ownership rights for technologies Development and transfer
In lieu of support and services to be provided, DAV University may take 5% of the net profit till exit, based on brand used, faculty contribution, support provided and use of institute’s IPR. The actual percentage will be discussed with the startup / company / entrepreneur and agreed to in writing.
Pedagogy and Learning Interventions for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development
It refers to specific methods and teaching practices (as an academic subject or theoretical concept) which would be applied for students working on startups. The experiential learning method will be used for teaching 'startup related concepts and contents' to introduce a positive influence on the thought processes of students. Courses like 'workshop on Entrepreneurship and Business Plan’ would demand experiential learning rather than traditional class room lecturing. Business cases and teaching cases will be used to discuss practical business situations that can help students to arrive at a decision while facing business dilemma(s). Field based interactions with prospective customers; support institutions will also form a part of the pedagogy which will orient the students as they acquire field knowledge.
Entrepreneurial Performance Impact Assessment
University will evaluate the performance of incubate companies, who will be required to submit information on a quarterly basis in a prescribed format. Additionally, incubate companies may also be subjected to annual assessments. Assessment criteria, formats and frequency will be intimated to incubate companies by the University.
CLICK HERE to download DAVU Innovation and Startup Policy