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Library Services

Plagiarism Checking Service

Knowledge Resource Centre (DAV University Central Library) offers Plagiarism Checking Services to its registered users with the support of different plagiarism detection systems as under:

Turnitin ( : A leading plagiarism detection tool, through which you can compare your content against the massive databases(available online) to ensure the originality of your work before submission. All the registered users(under license) may avail of the services directly by visiting  with the help of their login credentials. The research scholars can  get the facility of similarity check through their concerned supervisors/guide. The other Library users (contractual/ adhoc faculty and students) can get the service through the Administrator (Incharge, KRC). For getting similarity reports, they may mail their documents/paper  to: or

DrillBit - Extreme ( ): A Plagiarism Detection Software, provided by INFLIBNET under ShodhShudhi, a programme initiated by The Ministry of Education, Govt. Of India.  All the registered members can check and get the similarity reports for their documents/assignments by using the login credentials provided by DrillBit at the time of registration.

Steps to use DrillBit -Extreme: → Get started → sign in with your login 

details (credentials provided in the mail)

The other library users, who want to avail of Plagiarism Checking Services may mail their document/paper  to or

Open Access and Classified Arrangement

Whole collection of library is available on the two sided open racks. The documents on the 

shelves are fully classified with DDC (Dewy Decimal Classification) System and arranged on the 

shelves accordingly. 

Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue

 Library fulfils the fourth law of library Sciences i.e. SAVE THE TIME OF THE USER by providing 

the facility of Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) to access library resources within the 

campus As soon as new books are purchased and processed, their bibliographic description is 

added in the OPAC. Two terminals have been dedicated for the readers to use OPAC for their 

search of books. In addition to OPAC this facility is also available on INTRANET within University 

Campus to benefit the students/ faculty members by giving access to catalogue at their 

respective departments and hostels (

Inter-Library Loan

Library  Provides Inter- Library Loan service through DELNET. The books which are out 

of print or not available in the market  can be borrowed on the request of users from 

other member libraries of DELNET under inter-lib-loan. 

Newspaper Clippings Service

The university library provide the newspaper Clippings service to its user. The faculty and other 

users of library are regularly updated with the latest coverage via email and notice board.

Current Awareness Service

In order to update our user with latest arrival (books & Journals), this service is given to them 

via email or Using DAVIS Information System.

Circulation Service

Library provide circulation service to more than 6500 user which include Faculty, Staff and 

Students. For providing effective service to its users the library with the help of DAVIS creates 

the database of each and every user and documents. Issue and Return of all type of documents is 

handle by using Bar Code reader for rapid and error free service.

Off campus Service through E - Mail

 We have individual, group e-mail service, whenever we find new information useful to the 

particular community, details are sent through e-mail.

Book Reservation Facility

Book reservation facility is also available for the registered users. Users can reserve 

the book  already issued to someone else, for himself/herself by submitting a request 

on the circulation desk. 

New Arrivals Display / Online New Arrivals Service

 New books are displayed in a 'New Arrivals Rack' and notification related to recent arrival is 

always posted on the DAVIS portal for updating the users. The user just with a single click on 

OPAC (ON line Public Access Catalogue) can able to access the recent collection.

Reprographic Services

Library provides repro-graphic facility to its users. The users can get the xerox copies for 

library material which is generally not issued and only available for reference like 

Reference Books; Print Journals and Thesis on a very nominal charges.

