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KRC Manual

Advisory Committee

Since the Library has to cater to the needs of variety of users such as faculty, research scholars, post graduate and under graduate students, so for smooth functioning of the library and safe guarding the interest of all sections of the library users, an Advisory Committee is constituted by the Vice Chancellor. The main objective behind the constitution of Library Advisory Committee is the formulation of policies, rules & regulations and implementing the same in a judicious manner. All the procurements, and other important issues related to library are discussed and finalized by the library committee.


  • Dean Academics/any School Chairman/Chairperson
  • HOD’s/ representative of the Deptt Members (on rotation basis for three years)
  • Library in charge Member Secretary

Meeting Frequency:

The Committee shall meet at least three times in an academic year with 75% of its membership quorum.

 Terms of Reference:

  • To advise the management on matters of policy relating to development of KRC/ Library.
  • To outline the library collection development policy and its implementation
  • To monitor and evaluate, from time to time, trends and developments in information technologies, networking, library automation, library cooperation etc., and to assist the KRC in their adoption.
  • To formulate action plan for the development of library human resource, infrastructure, facilities, products and services.
  • To provide general direction to the Library.
  • To review, rewrite and approve library procurement policy
  • To negotiate and approve subscriptions or renewals to print journals and electronic resources (e-journals, eBooks and databases)
  • Minutes of the meeting shall be recorded and circulated to all members for consideration and approval.
  • Any other function as assigned by the Vice Chancellor

Library Budget

Budget Projection is an important task performed by the Library Advisory Committee. Keeping in view the Departmental requirements and Collection Development policy, a budget is planned under various expenditure heads like: Books; Journals; E-resources and other infrastructure and projected for sanction.

Collection Development

Collection development is an important function, performed in the libraries, so a proper acquisition policy is outlined for the purchase and procurement of various library resources. As the position of library books, etc., is different from that of stores and hence the definition of Goods excludes library resources like books, Print Journals, electronic Journals and other learning material. All the requisitions related to these resources are discussed and finalized by the Library Advisory Committee. The work/procedure related to purchase of books and subscription of periodicals (Print + Electronics) shall be handled by the Library incharge/Acquisition Section of the Library under the guidance of Library Advisory Committee. Purchase procedure for different resources is as as under:


Every year, in the month of April (with the start of new financial year), books Procurement process shall be followed by the Library/Acquisition Section of the Library.

Books Finalization

      • Lists of books are called from the faculty through Deptt. Head/Coordinator
      • Acquisition Deptt. checks the duplication of the titles
      • Compiles the lists and put up before Library Committee for review
      • A proper proposal for the finalized books is prepared and put up before the Competent Authority for approval
      • Before ordering, complete file is sent to Accounts Deptt. for pre-audit. It is mandatory for Accounts Deptt. to complete/finish the pre-audit work within 7 days and after audit, order is placed to shortlisted vendors(as per the decision of the committee with the approval of competent authority).

Books during Running Semester

In some cases where books are required on an urgent basis during the running semester, below procedure is followed:

  • Faculty put up the requirement to the the Library/Acquisition Section through concerned Coordinator.
  • The requisition after proper checking(title duplicacy) is fwd to the comptent authority through Library Advisory Committee ( in this case,sign/consent of 3-4 committee members, mainly concerned to the requisite deptt are taken) for final approval

After approval, Library/Acquisition Incharge, arranges to procure the books online (amazon /flipkart etc.) or from the shortlisted vendor with the consent/approval of competent authority as the main objective of this purchase is to make the books available on time as required urgently Maximum amount limit for such purchase is Rs. 10000.00.

On-line Purchase

Titles which usually left or not supplied by the vendors (from the ordered list) due to some reasons, if available online (flipkart/amazon/anyother) shall be procured with the approval of competent authority with an objective of maximum purchase of requisitioned/approved titles. Payment in such purchase is done in advance, so it can be ordered through Accounts Deptt. or an advance/ imprest money can be issued to the Library/ Acquisition Incharge for online payment. On receiving the books, invoices along with accession details will be submitted to the accounts for clearance.

Empanelling of Vendors

For the purchase of books,book distributors/vendors from all over India are empanelled. For the empanelment:

  • Sealed quotations are called for publisher wise discount as well as flat discount on all the publishers through Registrar
  • Received quotations in the office of Registrar are fwd. to Library Advisory Committee (Sealed)
  • Quotations are opened in the Library Advisory Committee. (at the time of opening of the quotations, one person from accounts deptt. shall be involved as special invitee)
  • A comparative statement for the received quotations is prepared and put up before Library Advisory Committee
  • Reputed Vendors with maximum rate of discount are shortlisted and called for further negotiation (if any).
  • Keeping in view all the terms and conditions, the Committee recommends the name of the Vendor empanelled for next three years.
  • The names of the short listed vendors are forward to the Vice Chancellor/ Competent Authority for approval

Vendors once shortlisted are empanelled for three years and after every three years, fresh tenders will be called and shortlisted accordingly.

Terms and conditions for Vendors

      • All books carry a discount as per the agreed terms.
      • This order should be acknowledged within 7 days from this date
      • Supply of only latest editions will be accepted.
      • Always supply paperback editions unless otherwise mentioned or not available.
      • Indian reprints/editions, if available should be supplied.
      • The maximum time limit for supplying such books is 30 days.
      • It should be clearly certified on the invoice that the prices quoted are the publisher's current prices.
      • For the books whose MRP is not printed on the book, stamped price proof for those titles shall be attached with the invoice.
      • In case of foreign editions, GOC rate list for that specific period should be provided along with price proof. Price proof may include: distributor's invoice to supplier; Print out from the publisher’s catalogue; Photocopy from Publisher Catalogue
      • The maximum time limit for supplying foreign titles is 4-6 weeks, or prior confirmation regarding this is required, if it can delay more.

Invoice Processing

    • Once the books are received in the library, these are verified by the concerned staff in Acquisition Section i.e. price of each book, discount rates, bank rates(where applicable), condition of the book.
    • It is confirmed that the books are as per order (quantity, title etc.)
    • Entry for each book is made in the Accession Register which has all the relevant details of a book like its price, publisher, vendor, year of publication etc.
    • Then the bills are fwd. to accounts for payment with the accession no. details and attaching other supporting documents (original approval, order copy, certificate from supplier regarding supply, as conditioned in order).

Print Journals

 As the journals are subscribed annually for the calendar year, so process for subscription renewal and new recommended titles, start in the month of October, so that by December end/ early January all the renewals are done and the subscriptions are continued without any gap. Subscription work flow is as under:

  • Requisitions are called from the Deptt.s. In case of renewal, the list of already subscribed journals are circulated among concerned deptt.s for feedback.
  • Compiled list are put up before LAC for discussion and finalization.
  • After the recommendations of the LAC, fwd to Vice Chancellor for approval
  • Once the approval is done, the invoices are called (advance payment is done in case of these resources) along with rate conversion proofs (GOC rates/ bank rates, wherever applicable) from the subscription agencies. file is sent to accounts deptt. for pre-audit and payment.
  • The Journals are no discount items, so no tender needs to be invited for these resources.
  • On receiving the payment, the vendor sends the bills/receipts. These are submitted to the accounts deptt. as the payment is done in advance.


Electronic Resources include electronic journals, online databases, and data sets, bibliographic databases, software tools for research, e-books, or any Information resource that is available in electronic form shall be procured as per need, by following the well laid procedure.


Faculty shall recommend e-resources for the library, to meet specific needs of users. As online databases are expensive resources, so these will be evaluated properly before subscribing. Concerned library staff ( In charge, E-section) shall call proposals for the recommended e-resources from the publisher or authorized dealers of those products and put up before Library Advisory Committee(LAC). The committee shall analyze the proposal as under:

  • Cost of the product
  • Identify the need
  • Ask for a Trial Access/presentation for the shortlisted/ preferred e-Resources
  • Analyze the Usage Statistics (in renewal cases)

Pricing & Negotiations

For many e-resources, different pricing/subscription models are available, depending upon various factors like, no. of users; types of users; access type; content requirement etc. Taking care of needs and other factors, the Committee shall recommend the most suitable proposal for subscription. The committee will play a major role in further negotiations relating to price, access, archival rights etc.

Approval & Payment

  • After analyzing all the factors, proposal for the selected e-resources shall be sent to Authority/Vice Chancellor for final approval.
  • On getting approval, proforma invoices shall be called from the vendor.
  • Invoices along with approved file will be sent to accounts deptt. for pre-audit and payment.
  • On receiving the payment, the vendor sends the bills/receipts. These are submitted to the accounts deptt. as the payment is done in advance.

Access & Terms of Use

      • Product Agreements/License is signed by the authority and sent to Vendor
      • IP address are shared with the vendor,(Vendor provides login details,where access is user id/pw based)
      • On access activation, an announcement to the users on their portal/email shall be given regarding access and terms of use
      • Training session shall be organized, if necessary.

Fair Use of e-Recourse: Guidelines and Usage Policy

Library is getting access to thousands of electronic resources. The terms and conditions for using these resources are vary from publisher to publisher, however, the general principles are as follows:

Permitted Acts

Non-Permitted Acts

Viewing, downloading, copying, printing and saving a copy of search results

Use of robots or intelligent agents to do systematic, bulk or automatic downloading is not permitted

Viewing, downloading, copying, printing and saving individual articles

Systematic downloading or printing of entire journal issues or volumes, or large portion of other – resources is not permitted

Using e-resources for scholarly, educational or scientific research, teaching, private study and clinical and laboratory experimental purposes

Using e- resources for commercial gain is not permitted (i.e. reselling, redistributing or republishing licensed content)

Sending a copy of an article to another authorized user (i.e. current faculty, students or staff)

Transmitting, disseminating or otherwise making online content available to unauthorized user(i.e. sending to mailing lists or electronic bulletin boards) is not permitted

Posting the URL to the publisher’s version of the article on a class website (Publisher links will allow only authorized users access)

Posting the publisher’s version or PDF of anarticle to an open class website is not permitted ( instead, post the URL to the article which will allow only authorized users access)

Breaches of the license agreement with publishers could result in the suspension of access to the resources for the members.


The library maintains separate section for Bound Journals & Thesis/Dissertations. In this section, back volumes of print journals(hard bound) are kept for reference and research support. Theses and Dissertations of Phd as well as Master’s Students are also housed in this Section.

 Infrastructure –Miscellaneous

Low cost or items required in routine are requisitioned on the requisition slip issued by Central store. These are moved through Chairman, LAC. After recommendations it is verified from the Central Store regarding its availability status. If the requisitioned items are not in store then, the requisition is submitted to the Accounts Deptt. with the remarks from the central store for auditing and approval purpose. For the purchase of Library items where high cost is involved, proposal is put up before LAC Committee or discussion. If Committee recommends the procurement of the same, then approval is obtained from the competent authority.Approved proposal is forward to Purchase Deptt. of the University for further action.

Disposal of Periodicals

Periodicals such as newspapers & magazines shall be shifted to Central Store to dispose off or sell out at a fixed interval as they hold a lot of space. They will be disposed off as under:

  • Magazines, after three years
  • Newspapers, after six months.

Weed Out

Out dated titles shall be weed out as per the guidelines provided by the Library Advisory Committee from time to time.

Stock Verification

Physical verification of the Library stock has to be carried out to identify the losses, identifying misplaced documents, identifying documents that need repair, etc. The verification has to be carried out by a team of members appointed by the Vice Chancellor, with the help of Library staff at a fixed, depending on the size of the collection.


Size of the Collection


Up to 20,000 volumes including journal back volumes

100% physical verification at 2 year intervals

Above 20,000 and up to 50,000 volumes including the journal back volumes.

100% physical verification at 5 year intervals

Above 50,000 volumes and up to 1,00,000 volumes including the journal back volumes done

Sample (20% of the total stock) physical verification at intervals of not more than 5 years. If such a sample verification reveals losses up to 10% of the sample chosen, complete verification is required to be done

Above 1,00,000 volumes including the journal back volumes

Sample (10% of the total stock) physical verification at intervals of not more than 5 years. If such a sample verification reveals losses up to 10% of the sample chosen, complete verification is required to be done

Loss of Publications

    • Some loss of publications is inevitable especially in the context of open access practice in libraries. The librarian has a role as information manager and not just a custodian. Therefore he/she should not be held responsible for the losses.
    • Loss of 5 volumes per 1000 volumes issued and/or consulted in a year may be taken as reasonable.
    • Loss of a book of the value exceeding Rs.2000.00 for books published in India, and Rs.10,000.00 for books published abroad, and books of special nature and rarity shall invariably be investigated and consequential action taken. The Vice Chancellor will have the powers to write off all such losses.
      • A publication may be considered as lost only when it is found missing in two successive stock verification s and only thereafter action be taken to write off the publications by competent authority.
      • Occasional loss/damage of issues of periodicals is inevitable during postal transit. If the payment is made directly to the publisher, then sometimes it is not possible to get the replacement. In such cases, the non-receipts/damages be considered as loss and written-off.

- The decision on disposing of mutilated/ damaged/ obsolete volumes, shall be taken by the Vice Chancellor on the recommendations made by the Advisory

Committee, which shall decide whether the books mutilated/damaged/obsolete are not fit for further use.

4.2 Procedure for write-off

  • List the documents not found during stock verification
  • Library staff to make all possible efforts to locate the document within Library not found during stock verification.
  • Compile a final list of documents not found.
  • Compare with the list of earlier stock verification to identify common entries
  • Compare losses with borrowing/ consulting / photocopying statistics
  • Put up the list of common entries to the Competent Authority along with justification for the losses (open access, limited staff, inadequate security system, large number of students visiting library, losses within permissible limits, etc.)
  • Get approval from the Vice Chancellor
  • Maintain the record in Write off register
  • Remove records from databases &Close file.
  • Improve the system with additional precautionary measures

4.3 Preventive measures

Some preventive measures to lower down such losses are as under:

  • Follow closed access system for the rare books and specialized collections.
  • The exit/entry counter/gate should be properly monitored
  • Measures like sealing of windows with wire mesh, adequate vigilance in the stack room(s), provision of adequate lighting, use of electronic or magnetic gadgets like RFID for detection of the theft, cctv should be adopted.
  • Wearing of identity cards for identification of users, shall be made compulsory
  • Adequate staff should be appointed as per size and services of the library

Membership & Loan System



The University Central Library (Knowledge Resource Centre) will offer membership consultation services on Books to the following categories of users:-

  • Any member of any of the authorities or bodies of the University.
  • Faculty members and administrative staff of the University.
  • Research Scholars and students on rolls of the University on the recommendation of the Heads of the Departments.
  • Retired teachers of the University and eminent scholars particularly if they require toconsult the library for continuation of their research/ literary activities and have some specific research project/academic task at hand which requires the use of the University Library facilities and provided their membership is approved by the Vice- Chancellor.
  • Visiting Faculty and Visiting Scholars on the recommendation of the Head of the concerned Department. These users will be offered Library facilities only during the period of their stay for a specific period which will also be certified by the concerned Head of the Department.
  • Temporary Library consultation shall also be offered to the members of the teaching staff and in exceptional cases to some students of affiliated colleges for a specific period on the recommendation of their Principals/Heads of their Institutions. The consultation will be offered for specific duration provided it is certified by the Principal/Head of the Institution that University library consultation is desired for using specific resources which are not available at their end, provided those resources are available in the holdings of the University Library.
  • Library consultation facility will be offered to at least one user from other institutions subjected to the availability of facilities and provided that institution’s membership is approved by the Vice-Chancellor by charging a special security deposit and a monthly usage fee.
  1. Borrowing Entitlement

The members shall be entitled to take books on loan from the Library as below:


No.of Books


Under graduate


14 days

Post graduate


14 days

Research Scholar


30 days



30 days



90 days

Other Members


14 days

Overdue Rules


Materials borrowed from the library should be returned on or before the due date.

After the due date, the book bearer will have to pay overdue charges, fixed by the university. Any exemption or relaxation will be be given with the written permission from the competent authority. In exceptional cases or during need, the librarian may recall the book before it’s due date.

Loss or mutilation of documents by members


Members are responsible for the damage/loss of books issued to them. Marking and underlining the text, tearing off pages, spoiling books by water, dust, oil etc., are treated as damage. Loss of library book must be brought to the attention of the circulation section immediately on occurrence. Loss/Damage of library books/resources should be compensated in the following ways:

  • Lost documents shall have to be replaced by the users.
  • KRC/Library may help users in procuring the document.
  • On replacement, the same accession number be given to the copy after ensuring that the document is not of an earlier edition than the one that is lost.
  • Write on the document and accession register that ‘This is a replaced copy since the original document is lost’. Update catalogue record.
  • Photocopy of the lost document is not acceptable.
  • If the lost document is not available in the market, the user has to pay the cost of the lost document. Some judgment of the librarian is essential in this regard. If it is deliberate act, the user may be charged with double the cost with current exchange rates. Else, the purchase cost with current exchange rates plus 10% processing cost be recovered.
  • If the document lost is expensive (>Rs.10,000) or rare and very valuable one, the amount to be recovered should be decided by the KRC Advisory Committee on case-to-case basis.
  • The lost document which is part of a serial/multi-volume set, if lost, cost of complete volume/set is required to be recovered.
  • Individually priced book/volume in a series, if lost, the cost of the lost book in series is to be recovered.
  • If notification is made after the book is overdue, the borrower will have to pay the overdue charges also.

Loss of Library Card (Borrower’ ticket)

Loss of a Library ticket should be reported to the Circulation Section . New ticket will be issued on nominal charges fixed by the Competent Authority.

Clearance Certificate or No Dues

Library books/materials(tickets ) are the property of the library; they should be returned at the time of obtaining clearance certificate.


Important services practiced in the DAVU Library are:

On-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)

Library fulfils the fourth law of library Sciences i.e. SAVE THE TIME OF THE USER by providing the facility of Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) to access library resources within the campus As soon as new books are purchased and processed,

their bibliographic description is added in the OPAC. Two terminals have been dedicated for the readers to use OPAC for their search of books. In addition

to OPAC this facility is also available on INTRANET within University Campus to benefit the students/ faculty members by giving access to catalogue at their respective departments and hostels .

Inter-Library Loan

In the age of information explosion, it is not possible for libraries to buy or procure all the learning resources, may it be e-resources or print, may it be books or journals. To satisfy the users information requirement, libraries lend/borrow the required material which is not available in their own libraries from other libraries under inter library loan service. DAV University Library provides Inter-Library Loan service to its users under the DELNET membership. To practice this service, users send request to the Incharge E-Section regarding their requirement, it is forward to the DELNET, and then DELNET lend out the requisite material for the fixed period of time. This service is very useful in case of material that is rare and out of print or the closed publications which are not easily accessible.

  1. User Orientation Programme

For the First year students, Orientation Programme is conducted by the Library professionals. The purpose of conducting this programe is to aware the new comers about various Library services provided by DAV University Library. They are trained about, how to use the Web Opac (On-line Public Access Catalogue) to search the library resources, how to locate these resources. They are informed about the rules and regulations related to these services.

Current Awareness Services

Current Awareness Services keep the users upto date about their areas of interest and in general. DAV University Library also provides this service to its users. For this as soon as the new issue of the subscribed journal is received, the content page of the issue is

circulated among the users of the concerned areas through e-mail. Timely announcements are given on adding new journals or publications. This service promotes user’s interest and maximize the use of library resources

Newspaper Clippings

Under this service DAV university library circulates clippings from the daily newspapers related to education to the faculty and students.

Access to e-resources

The university library subscribes a variety of eresources. Though the whole campus is wi-fy and these e-resources can be accessed from any where in the campus, a separate Section with 40 Computer terminals connected through N-computing is set up in the e- library for users.

Reprographic Services

Library provides reprographic services to its registered users on a very nominal charges. These services are provided only for the library documents, which are usually not lent out. The photocopying charges are fixed and revised by the Vice Chancellor with the recommendations from Library Advisory Committee from time to time.

Departmental or Seminar Library

Each Post-graduate Department of the University shall have its Departmental library. The Head of the Department shall be responsible for the proper maintenance and supervision of the Departmental Library.

Book Bank

As per the guidelines of Punjab Pollution Control Board, regarding creation of Book Bank of old books, received from pass out students, a separate section in the library for such donations shall be created. This section will be managed by volunteer students with support of Acquisition Section staff. The books from this Book Bank shall be issued to needy/financially weak students or as per the guidelines of LAC.

Braille Section

For the visually impaired persons , a separate Braille Section is maintained. In this section learning resources in Braille Script are housed. Resources like talking books and edatabases (audio’s ) and accessing devices will be added to enhance the services.

Library Timings

The university library remains open on all days including Sunday and Other off Days (except a few approved holidays as listed below).

Opening Details

Working Days

Off days

Study & Reference

9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


  • One Reading Hall remains open from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily (including holidays)

  • During exams Library hrs. extend further as per time to time guidelines from the office of the Competent Authority.

 Library Holidays

Following holidays are observed in library:

  • Republic Day
  • Maha Shivratri
  • Holi
  • Idu’l Fitr
  • Independence day
  • Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti
  • Dussehra
  • Diwali
  • Birthday of Guru Nanak Dev ji
  • Christmas Day

Prohibitions in Library

  • Cases of incivility or any other failure in service should immediately be reported to the Librarian or in his absence to the senior member of the staff present.
  • Sticks, umbrellas, boxes, bags, rain-coats, books journals and other such articles as are prohibited by counter staff shall be left in the property counter.
  • Spitting and smoking are strictly prohibited.
  • Entering the Library under the influence of liquor or drugs.
  • Dogs/Pets shall not be allowed.

General Rules

    • No discussion permitted inside the library
    • He / She shall not write damage or mark any book belonging to the Library.
    • A person responsible for any damage caused by him / her to the books or any other property belonging to the Library, shall be liable to pay the penalty imposed Upon him/her.
  • No personal belongings allowed inside the Library.
  • Using Mobile phones and audio instruments with or without speaker or headphone is strictly prohibited in the library premises.
  • Show the books and other materials which are being taken out of the library to the staff at the entrance counter.
  • The reader should check the books before borrowing to ensure that these are not damaged. If a book is found to be damaged or certain pages are missing, the borrower should get this statement recorded on the book, otherwise he/ she shall be held responsible for the damage, discovered at the time of returning the books.

- Photography is not allowed without prior permission from the competent authority.

  • Membership privileges of a user can be suspended for misbehavior with the library staff or for indecent manners.
  • Members are free to seek the assistance from library staff in selecting reading material, checking of references, searching of misplaced reading material etc.
  • Wearing of Identity card is mandatory for the users inside the library premises.

Without ID card they will not be allowed to sit or avail of library services.

  • Students found taking books out of the library without authorization is a punishable offence liable to disciplinary action including imposition of penalty.
  • Refreshment of any kind shall not be taken anywhere in the library premises
  • Maintaining SILENCE in and around Library premises is must.
