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Library Collections
  • Print Collection

The University Library has a total collection of over 25000 printed volumes including General Books, Text Books, Reference Books, Bound Journals and theses & dissertations. Books are  classified using  world famous Dewey Decimal Classification System (DDC)  and open access system is followed.

1.Text Books

Major collection of Books is of Text Books mainly for  professional reading and fulfills the course requirement of Students and Faculty.

2. Reference Collection

In this section of the library, the most rich Collection is housed which includes Encyclopedias; Dictionaries; Manuals;Almanacs etc. etc. Material of this section is solely for reference purpose and not issued for home. Users can sit and read here and get photocopy of the certain portion if required.

3. Book Bank

This collection is maintained as per the initiatives taken by Punjab Pollution Control Board, to save trees and for this  a book bank of old  books is maintained with the donation of old books by the pass out students and this  facility is meant primarily for students of weaker sections and allows lending of these books for the whole semester.

4. General Reading Collection

While the strength of collection lies in technical subjects, a General reading collection which includes, fiction, sports , health and personality development is available for loan.

5. Competition Books

Central Library has a very good collection of books for competitive examinations such as Civil Services, , GATE, GMAT, CAT, UGC NET etc.

6. Journals and Magazines

The Library subscribes to about more than 100 national/international journals,magazines and newspapers. Normally periodicals are not issued, but in special cases, the back issues of the magazines (not journals) can be issued for a limited period.

7. Bound Journals

Back Volumes of Research journals are hard bound and  become the part of major print collection for consultancy of library users. These are not available for loan, users can use it as a reference tool  or get photocopy of the required pages.

8. Theses & Dissertations

This collection contains Theses and Dissertations of Masters and Phd. Students of the various Deptt. of the University and available for consultancy and reference and not available for lending services.

Electronic Collection

Library  provides access to a large no. of e-resouces which includes

-  e-journals

-  e-books

-  e databases

Access is provided  within the campus and for some e resources, remote access also available.

Audio Visual Collection

The library has  1200 plus CD/s and DVD’s  of   Text books, reference books and available for the use of Library members.

Braille Collection

A separate section is maintained  for books in braille script, and made available for the visually impaired persons.
