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B.Sc. Physics/ B.Sc.(Hons.) Physics/ B.Sc.(Hons. with research) Physics
Key Facts & Figures
B Sc. / B.Sc.(Hons.)
Semester Fee
28,000 INR
Mode of study
Medium of Instruction
Credit Points
DAV University Campus
Start date

Examination fee: RS. 3000/- for each semester and is applicable to all courses).

Refundable Caution Money: Rs 5000/- in 1st Semester and is applicable to all courses.

One-time Alumni Registration Charges Rs. 2000/- ( Non - Refundable to be charged from every student in 1st year only

All Rights reserved by DAV University (Hike in fee up to 15 % every year is possible).

Explore the B.Sc. Physics program at DAV University—a gateway to the fascinating world of physical sciences.

B.Sc. Physics/ B.Sc.(Hons.) Physics/ B.Sc.(Hons. with research) Physics

A Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Physics program is undergraduate degree that offers a comprehensive education in the field of physics. B.Sc. Physics program starts with foundational courses covering classical mechanics, electricity and magnetism, Optics, Electromagnetic theory, thermodynamics etc. Physics heavily relies on mathematical tools for problem-solving and theoretical analysis. Therefore, students in B.Sc. Physics programs typically take courses in mathematical methods relevant to physics. Practical laboratory work is an integral part of a B.Sc. Physics program. Students engage in experiments to reinforce theoretical concepts, develop experimental skills, and learn to use scientific instruments and techniques. Laboratory work enhances students' understanding of physical phenomena and helps them develop critical thinking and analytical skills. B.Sc. Physics programs aim to develop both theoretical and experimental skills in students. Through coursework, laboratory work, and research projects, students learn to formulate and solve problems, design experiments, analyze data, and communicate their findings effectively. Overall, a B.Sc. Physics program provides students with a rigorous education in physics principles, practical laboratory experience, computational skills, and research opportunities, preparing them for diverse career opportunities or further academic pursuits in the field of physics and related disciplines.


Passed with 50% aggregate marks (45% marks in case of candidate belonging to SC/ST) in 10+2 examination or equivalent with English, Physics, Physics and Mathematics/Biology.

Why this programme?

Choosing a B.Sc in Physics Program can be a rewarding decision for several reasons:

Understanding the Fundamentals of the Universe: Physics is the fundamental science that seeks to understand the behavior of matter, energy, space, and time. Studying physics provides insights into the fundamental principles that govern the universe, from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies.

Developing Critical Thinking Skills: Physics education emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. You'll learn how to formulate hypotheses, design experiments, analyze data, and draw conclusions based on evidence. These skills are valuable not only in physics but also in many other fields and professions.

Versatility and Flexibility: A B.Sc in Physics opens doors to a wide range of career opportunities. Physics graduates are highly sought after in fields such as research, technology, engineering, finance, healthcare, education, and more. The analytical and problem-solving skills developed during the course are transferable to various industries and sectors.

Preparation for Advanced Study: If you're considering a career in research or academia, a B.Sc in Physics provides an excellent foundation for further study at the graduate level. Many physics graduates go on to pursue master's or doctoral degrees in physics or related fields, leading to opportunities for advanced research and academic careers.

Interdisciplinary Connections: Physics overlaps with many other scientific disciplines, including chemistry, biology, astronomy, engineering, and environmental science. Studying physics can provide you with a broad interdisciplinary perspective and opportunities to collaborate across different fields.

Contributing to Societal Challenges: Physics plays a crucial role in addressing some of the most pressing challenges facing society, such as renewable energy, climate change, healthcare, and technology development. As a physicist, you can contribute to solving these challenges through research, innovation, and technological advancements.

Personal Fulfillment: If you have a curiosity about how the world works and a passion for exploring the unknown, studying physics can be personally fulfilling. Whether you're fascinated by the mysteries of the cosmos, the behavior of atoms and molecules, or the principles of quantum mechanics, studying physics allows you to delve deeper into these questions and satisfy your intellectual curiosity.

Global Opportunities: Physics is a universal language that transcends borders and cultures. A B.Sc in Physics can open up opportunities for international collaborations, research exchanges, and career opportunities around the world.

During Your Study

Foundation Courses: Build a strong foundation in physics through courses in classical mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, and more.

Integrative Approach: Connect with other branches of science, such as chemistry, biology, and material science, to gain a holistic understanding of scientific principles.

State-of-the-Art Facilities: Access cutting-edge research facilities and equipment, guided by experienced faculty members committed to your success.

Experienced faculty with International/National Collaborations: Benefit from the expertise of faculty members with international and national collaborations, enriching your learning experience and exposure to diverse perspectives.

Networking Opportunities: Connect with peers, alumni, and professionals in the field through networking events, conferences, and workshops.

Career Development Resources and Support: Receive guidance and support in navigating career opportunities, including internships, job placements, and further education, to pursue your professional goals.

Flexible Pathways

At DAV University, we offer flexible pathways for students to tailor their educational journey according to their aspirations and commitments.

Those who complete the entire three-year undergraduate programme, accumulating 120 credits, are granted a coveted bachelor's Degree in B.Sc. Physics.

Alternatively, students have the option to exit the programme at various stages, each milestone marked by academic recognition.


Students opting to exit the programme after earning a minimum of 40 credits get an undergraduate certificate in the relevant discipline/subject. This certification acknowledges their foundational knowledge and skills acquired during their academic pursuit. To ensure practical applicability, students must also accrue at least 4 credits in work-based vocational courses, providing hands-on experience through internships or apprenticeships.


Similarly, students who attain a minimum of 80 credits can opt to exit the programme with an undergraduate Diploma in the relevant disciplines/subject. Alongside academic excellence, students are required to earn an additional 4 credits in skill-based vocational courses, enhancing their proficiency in specialized areas and augmenting their employability.

B.Sc. Honours / Honours with Research

The programme offers an esteemed pathway for motivated students to pursue Bachelor's Degree (Honours) in their fourth year.

Candidates maintaining a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 7.5 (75%) throughout the first three years are eligible to opt for Bachelor's Degree (Honours) with Research, a testament to their academic prowess and commitment to scholarly inquiry.

This pathway opens doors to advanced research opportunities, allowing students to delve deeper into their areas of interest and contribute meaningfully to the academic community.

The programme outline:

B.Sc. Physics program is designed to provide students with a solid foundation of knowledge across a wide range of physics branches. During the program, students will follow a structured curriculum aimed at building a strong understanding of fundamental concepts of various physics subjects. The physics courses taught to students in various semesters are as follows:

Semester I
Semester II
B.Sc. Honours with research

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