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Library Sections
  • Acquisition Section

This section is responsible for selection and procurement of Library resources.   Acquisition incharge, receives suggestions/ recommendations from Deptt’s , compiles these recommendations and put up  proposal before Library Advisory Committee for finalization.

  • Periodical Section

The Library subscribes to about 100 national/international journals,  magazines and newspapers. The Periodicals Section is maintained separately and opening hours of the Section are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Normally periodicals are not issued, but in special cases, the back issues of the magazines (not journals) can be issued for certain period.

  • E-Section

To meet the digital content requirement of library users, the university library provide access  to a large no. Of electronic resources . In order to maximize the  utilization of these resources more than 40 computers are installed for library users. Here they can access e-resources subscribed in the library and explore other learning material.  A variety of eresources packages and edatabases which are made accessible to library users include:JSTOR; DELNET; EBSCO; INFLIBNET; NDL; SHODHGANGA; WEL; SAA; NISCAIR/CSIR and many more.

For details and weblinks to explore these eresources, pls visit Digital Library Portal

  • Circulation Section

This section provide circulation services to all the registered members of the library which include Faculty, Staff and Students. For Issue and Return Browne System (ticket system) is followed and for rapid and error free Service Bar Code reader is used.


  • Technical Section

This section plays a vital role in the functioning of the library.  The  new

procured  books are classified and labeled  properly before shelving. This work

is handled by  Technical Section and thus it works like a bridge between

Acquisition and Circulation.

  • Reference Section

In this section of the library, the most rich collection is housed which includes

Encyclopedias; Dictionaries; Manuals; Almanacs etc. etc. Material of this section

is solely for reference purpose and not issued for home. Users can sit and read

here and get photocopy of the certain  portion if required.

  • Braille Section

For the visually impaired persons , a separate Braille Section is maintained. In

this section  learning resources in Braille Script are housed.

  • Peace Zone

 For the relaxing of exhausted minds of library readers, a Peace Hall is set up.

 When a student after a long sitting for studies,  get bored or tired, he or she can

relax himself/herself by  deep breathing or meditation and can refresh

himself /herself for a new start. This Hall really provides a very peaceful

Environment. A Room sized poster of Mahatma Buddha is fixed on front walll

and mattresses are placed on the floor.

  • Book Bank

This Section is maintained as per the initiatives taken by Punjab Pollution

Control Board, to save trees and for this  a book bank of old  books is maintained

 with the donation of old books by the pass out students and this  facility is meant

primarily for students of weaker sections and allows lending of these books for

the whole semester.

  • Bound Journals, Theses & Dissertation

     In this section, back volumes of print journals(hard bound) are kept for reference

and research support. Theses and Dissertations of Phd as well as Master’s

Students are also housed in this Section.

  • Newspaper Section

The library subscribes 14 newspapers in all major local languages I.e. English, Hindi and

Punjabi. A separate Reading Section is maintained for the newspapers, where students

can sit and read these papers, but clippings of these newspapers is strictly not allowed.
