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Knowledge Resource Centre (Library)

The DAV University Library, known as Knowledge Resources Center, is on the path of continuous development and expansion since 2013 and  fulfilling the information needs of its users . It is located at a central place of university campus. Library is under CCTV surveillance system with a view to put keen eye to a variety of  library resources and user’s activities. Library is air- conditioned and furnished with modular and comfortable furniture . Library is fully automated with e_Granthalya , a Library Management Software developed by NIC, New Delhi. All the major functions like Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation, Serials control are performed with the help of this software. Library provides open access to more than 30000 books in print format .The documents on the shelves are fully classified as per internationally accepted DDC (Dewy Decimal Classification) classification system and arranged on the shelves accordingly . The Library subscribes to  more than 100 national/international journals, magazines and newspapers in print . Moving with the era of digitization and  focusing  modern users requirement of  e-content for learning, research work and teaching , Library  provides access to large number  of e-resources packages and databases like JSTOR; ProQest, Perlego ebooks, DELNET; EBSCO; Manupatra;Sage and many more. DAV University Library is equipped with 40 computer systems, with broadband and wi-fi connections which enhances the use of e-resources .