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Digital Library

The university library provide access to electronic resources .In order to maximize the  utilization of these resources more than  40 node of computers connected via N-Computing are available in the library .Wi-Fi facility  in library also enhance the use of e-resources . More than 1000 electronic collection is available in CD form.

Weblinks to access various subscribed and other available e-resources are as under:

  • :  A database (JSTOR) of  more than 2500+ e-journals of various disciplines like humanities; Social Sciences; Management & Economics; Agricultural Sc. etc.
  • : Databses of management contains, e- magazines, e-journals, e-books, case studies, business profiles and limited access to Engg Collection also.
  • : It contains databases of Books (Union catalogue of Books); Multimedia database; database of journals; Articles database; database of Full Text Journals; Full Text Books; Full Text Dissertations and Thesis and many more.
  • : It provides access to a variety of learning material which may include: books; audio lectures; video lectures, question papers; thesis, mographs etc. By registering to NDL you can have the access to these resources.
  • https://Community.WorldLibrary.In/?AffiliateKey=NDL-RF1705: It includes largest collection of ebooks, millions of journal articles.
  • : It provides access to millions of pages of rare primary and secondary sources from across in the subject areas of Science; Social Science & Humanities
  • An ebook by Indian National Science Academy, published with a purpose to communicate general public, the importance of science to society.
  • :  Shodhganga provides a platform for research scholars to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. The repository has the ability to capture, index, store, disseminate and preserve ETDs (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) submitted by the researchers.
  • : Institutional repository of INFLIBNET Centre, here you can find articles published in all conventional proceedings of INFLIBNET Centre, More over you can also look for various training material, press clippings, newsletters etc.
  • : e-PG Pathshala is an initiative of the MHRD under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) being executed by the UGC. The content and its quality being the key component of education system, high quality, curriculum- based, interactive e-content in 70 subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts and humanities, natural & mathematical sciences,
  • : VIDWAN is the premier database of profiles of scientists / researchers and other faculty members working at leading academic institutions and other R & D organisation involved in teaching and research in India. It provides important information about expert's background, contact address, experience, scholarly publications, skills and accomplishments, researcher identity, etc. The database
    developed and maintained by Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET) with financial support from the National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT). The database would be instrumental in selection of panels of experts for various Committees, taskforce, established by the Ministries / Govt. establishments for monitoring and evaluation purposes.
  • : Vidya-mitra is an online learning portal for all the e-content projects developed under the NME-ICT (National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology), MHRD. The portal provides facility to search and browse all hosted content wherein a learner can easily access the desired material including audio/video learning material, textual material, multimedia-enriched materials etc. through a single interface. Moreover, features of faceted search, usage statistics, project-wise access, My-Space are incorporated in this portal.
  • : IndCat is a free online Union Catalogue of Books, Theses and Serials of major university/institute libraries in India. The IndCat contains bibliographic information, location and holdings of Books, Theses and Serials. It provides the records in standard bibliographic formats. It covers all major subjects, i.e. Sciences, Engineering, Management, Social Sciences & Humanities. The IndCat is a major source of bibliographic Information that can be used for Inter-Library Loan, Collections Development as well as for Copy Cataloguing and Retro-Conversion of bibliographic records.
  • NDL-National Digital Library: The National Digital Library of India (NDL India) is a digital library that will integrate all existing digitized and digital contents across institutions of the nation to provide a single window access with e - learning facility to different groups of users ranging from primary level to higher education level and even life-long learners of our country. It will provide educational materials in various languages, in all disciplines, in different forms of access devices and will cater to differently abled learners as well.This section will help you to learn how the National Digital Library of India (NDL India) works and how you can use it to the best of your ability to achieve your desired outcome. You will be able to login to NDL only after Registration. Please register yourself to avail the benefits of this virtual Library.




List of other E-resources with their URL are as under :

About 13000 scientific journals are available in the 'Open Science Directory’. Open Science Directory contains collections of Open Access Journals (e.g. Directory of Open Access Journals) and journals in the special programs (Hinari, Agora, OARE). The Open Science Directory has been developed by EBSCO and the Hasselt University Library.


Fair Use of e-Recourse at DAV University Jalandhar: Guidelines and Usage Policy

  • Electronic resources such as e-books, e-journals, e-databases, e-theses made available by the DAV University Central Library are for academic use only and not for any commercial use.
  • These resources can be searched, browsed and read online and material may be downloaded and printed as single copies of articles as is done in the case of printed study / library material. Downloading or printing of a complete book or an entire issue or a volume of one or more journal (called systematic downloading) is strictly prohibited/ not allowed.
  • Use of robots, spiders or intelligent agents to access, search and store / or systematic download from these resources is also prohibited. Any violation of this policy will result in penal action as per the rules and regulations of the institute
  • Please be aware that systematic downloading will lead/ force the publisher to block to the entire community of users @ DAV University Jalandhar from accessing these resources.

Institute is getting access to thousands of electronic journals and bibliographic databases. The terms and conditions for using these resources are vary from publisher to publisher,  however, the general principles are as follows:

Permitted acts

Non Permitted acts

  • Viewing, downloading, copying, printing and saving a copy of search results
  • Viewing, downloading, copying, printing and saving individual articles
  • Using e-resources for scholarly, educational or scientific research, teaching, private study and clinical and laboratory experimental purposes
  • Sending a copy of an article to another authorized user (i.e. current faculty, students or staff)
  • Posting the URL to the publisher’s version of the article on a class website (Publisher links will allow only authorized users access)
  • Use of robots or intelligent agents to do systematic, bulk or automatic downloading is not permitted
  • Systematic downloading or printing of entire journal issues or volumes, or large portion of other – resources is not permitted
  • Using e- resources for commercial gain is not permitted (i.e. reselling, redistributing or republishing licensed content)
  • Transmitting, disseminating or otherwise making online content available to unauthorized user(i.e. sending to mailing lists or electronic bulletin boards) is not permitted
  • Posting the publisher’s version or PDF of an article to an open class website is not permitted ( instead, post the URL to the article which will allow only authorized users access)

Breaches of the license agreement with publishers could result in the suspension of access to the resources for the member institutions.

