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Agriculture Sciences
Dr. Rajinder Singh Rekhi
M.Sc., Ph.D.
50 years
Contact No.: 9463719367
Specialization: Soil Science
Brief Proifle

He worked at Punjab Agricultural University for more than 35 years. As researcher, he handled research projects involving international and national collaboration with International Rice Research Institute,(IRRI) Philipines, Indo: US Senior Scientist Panel Programme, FAO - Projects and the Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences.He was Visiting Scientist to different Agricultural Universities of USA under the Senior Scientist Panel Programme on Nitrogen Fertilizer Efficiency involving N-15 labelled fertilizers, Visited Chinese Universities on the invitation of Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Visited IRRI, Manila, Philippines, and presented research papers in International Conferences and Symposiums.

He had been teaching graduate and post graduate courses at PAU and guiding graduate and post-graduate students research of a number of students. As an Extension Specialist, he had been involved in state level and district level training programmes on Soil Testing and Fertilizer Use Efficiency in crops and cropping sequences.He has a wide experience of working with farmers problems at different district and state level forums, fairs and training programmes. He has published more than 50 research papers in national and international journals of research and delivered a number of invitation lectures at different forums.

Professional Activities