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Faculty of Agriculture Sciences
Dr. Rahul Kumar
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
14 years research and teaching experience, 19 research papers, 7 book chapters, Abstract and/or representation in 17 international and 10 national conferences/workshops/seminars/FDP/training programmes etc.
Contact No.: 9816472457
Projects: 4 research projects ( 1DST, 2 CSIR, and 1 in-house project) Total funding more then Rs. one carore. Has the experience of working in 8 national level research projects.
Membership: Indian Science Congress Association
Awards: INSA Visiting Scientist Fellowship, DST Start-Up young Scientist project
Research Guidance: Guided/Guiding 5 Ph.D. and 9 M.Sc. research scholars
Editor: Journal of Agricultural and Allied Sciences
Specialization: Applications of DNA Fingerprinting and Molecular Markers in Molecular Genetics, Plant Genomics, Genetic Mapping, Molecular Breeding and Germplasm Characterization.
Brief Proifle

He completed his Ph.D. from CSIR-IHBT, Palampur, where he worked as JRF and SRF. He worked as RA in CSKHPKV, Palampur and availed DBT-RAship in NRCPB, IARI Campus, New Delhi.  His research and academic responsibilities cover the domains like Plant Genetics & Genomics, Plant Biotechnology, and Genome Mapping. He has 19 international research articles published in peer reviewed journals along with 7 book chapters. He has attended 30 national and international conferences/workshops/FDP/training programmes.Abstracts/proceedings funded by reputed national agencies like UGC, DST, DBT, INSA, CSIR etc. He has been awarded Start-up Young Scientist project (2016-2019) by SERB-DST, GoI. He is investigating 2 EMR research project funded by CSIR-HRDG, New Delhi and one in-house research project funded by DAV University. He has played a key role in establishing Central Research Laboratory (CRL) in DAV University campus.

Professional Activities