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Dr Mamta Rani
M.Sc ( Phy. Hons.), NET (CSIR), Ph.D. (Phy)
Assistant Professor
2014 onwards, Assistant Professor, DAV University, Jalandhar. 2009-2014, CSIR Research Fellow, Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandiagarh.
Email: ;,
Projects: NIL
Membership: SESI Life membeship, Life membership of MRS Singapore
Awards: CSIR Scholarship held on 12 Dec, 2009. 2. One of publication entitled “A Comparative Study of Nanostructured TiO2, ZnO and Bilayer TiO2/ZnO Dye Sensitized Solar Cells” is chosen by the Editors of the Journal of Electronic Materials to appear on Springer's website as an "Editors' Choice," 3. First prize for best poster presentation in 4th National Conference on nanomaterials (Dec 21-23. 2011) and nanotechnology organized by department of physics, University of Lucknow.
Research Guidance: Metal oxide, Perovskite and Dye Sensitized Materials for Photocatalysis and Solar cell applications. For details follow: Web of Science ResearcherID: ABF-9138-2022
Specialization: Engineering of Solar Materials and Characterization, Thin film growth, Device fabrication
Brief Proifle

Dr Mamta did Post Graduate in Physics Hons. at the Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh. Dr. Mamta holds Ph.D degree in Physics from Panjab University, Chandigarh on the research topic entitled “Synthesis and characterization of dye sensitized metal oxide nanomaterials for photovolatic applications” She is the recipient of prestigious research awards such as CSIR-Senior Research Fellowship. She did her PhD at the Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh. She joined as Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics, DAV University, Jalandhar in August 2014.  Two Ph.D scholars and sixteen M.Sc students completed research work under guidance of her. One student is enrolled for Ph.D search scholars for Ph.D. degree .She is a life member of Solar Energy Society of India. She worked as Programme officer of NSS, DAV University, Jalandhar. He has traveled abroad for research.She has organized a state level workshop in the field of solid state. Her research area of interest include the Engineering of Semiconductor materials for solar cell and photocatalysis applications, Thin film growth, Structure-property correlations in a variety of materials and materials characterization, Perovskite Solar Cells fabrication. She has collobaration with Department of Physics, Panjab university, Chandigarh and Department of Chemistry, NIT Jalandhar, Department of Chemistry NCL Pune. She has 23 publications in the Reputed SCI journals and conference proceedings.




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