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Department of English
Akanksha Nautiyal
B.A Hon. English (PGGCG- Sector11, PU Chandigarh), Masters (Dept. of English & Cultural Studies P.U Chandigarh),UGC/ NTA-NET, Ph.D (Pursuing from the Central University of Uttarakhand)
Assistant Professor
Teaching assistance since 2017 November
Projects: Translation of Folk Literarture Uttarakhand, Translation of Folk Tales/Folk Poetry from Hindi Sahitya to English
Awards: Second Position at a National short-story Competition conducted by "The Hoshiarpur Literary Society".Second position at "Quzzical Context" a National Quiz Competition Conducted By the Department of English Gopichand Arya Mahila College Abohar.
Research Guidance: Ph.D(Pursuing)
Specialization: Post Colonial Studies/ Translation Studies
Brief Proifle

Ms Akanksha Nautiyal is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at DAV University, Jalandhar. She is currently pursuing her PhD from the Dept. of English, H.N.B Garhwal University (A Central University of Uttarakhand). Her research is mainly focused on the representation of India or Indianness in Post Colonial Literature. She is working under the mentorship of Prof. Arun Pant, a renowned Author/Translator of Folk Literature of Uttarakhand.

She has presented papers in various national and international conferences and has also organised a guest lecture on “Derrida's Response to Husserl: The Birth of Deconstruction”. 

Professional Activities