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Akanksha Nautiyal
Conferences Attended

1)May 07-May 08, 2020- A two day International Conference on “Understanding Literature in the Context of Contemporary Theories: Indian and western Perspective” conducted by Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College, Pollachi (Tamil Nadu). Presented a research paper entitled Understanding Post Independent India through Shrilal Shukla’s Novel Raag Darbari.

2) May 31, 2020- One day International e-Conference on “Pandemic Pandemonium to Social Equilibrium: The Role of Literature” conducted by Smt Radhabai Sarda Arts, Commerce & Science College, Amravati Maharashtra.

3) June 17-June 20, 2020- A four day Virtual International Conference on “Diaspora across Time and Space: Multifarious Understanding of Indian Diaspora Literature” conducted by PG Research Department of English, Vellalar College for Women, Tamil Nadu. Presented a paper entitled Tracing the Gendered Diaspora through Postcolonial Lens: A Study of Jhumpa Lahiri’s ‘The Namesake’

4) June 28- June 30, 2020- A three-day International Conference on ‘Representation of Disease: Literary Responses Across Time and Space”, organised by Shree Vishvakarma Skill University in Collaboration with The Shakespeare Association, India. Presented a paper entitled ‘The Indian Way of Struggling with Diseases in the Novels Kanthapura and Raag Darbari”.

5) March 27-March 28, 2021- A two-Day International Conference on 'Literature Reflections of Society' conducted by Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science in collaboration with  Kongunadu Arts & Science College, Coimbatore. Presented a  paper entitled "Delineating Indianness of Post Independent India; A Post Colonial Study of Srilal Shukla's Raag Darbari".

