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Department Sports and Physical Education Departmental Activities (Events)

Department organizes following events on the regular basis-

  1. National Sports day
  2. International Yoga Day
  3. International Judo day
  4. Independence day.
  5. Republic day.
  6. Organises Hawan –Yajna every month to celebrate the birthday of student in that month.
  7. Inter-Department sports tournaments for various sports and games
  8. Inter house sports tournaments for various sports and games.
  9. Inter Faculty sports tournaments for various sports and games.
  10. Dewali and Holi celebration
  11. Freshers and farewell parties.
  12. AIU sports Tournaments.
  13. Annual sports meet.

 Kindly merge the Title of Research and title Publication in one title as ‘Research Publication” in drop down index of department.
