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Fee Notice Even Sem 24-25 (Even Semester 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th & 10th) Click Here >>
Hostel Fee Notice 24-25 Even Sem Click Here >>
Department of Mechanical Engineering Laboratories

1. Mechanics of Soilds Laboratory Click Here

2. Engineering Materials & Metallurgy Laboratory Click Here

3. Thermodynamics Laboratory Click Here

4. Dynamics of Machine Laboratory Click Here

5. Mechanical Measurement Laboratory Click Here

6. Mechanics of Fluids Laboratory Click Here

7. Fluid Machinery Laboratory Click Here

8. Automobile Engineering Laboratory Click Here

9. IC Engine Laboratory Click Here

10. Heat & Mass Transfer Laboratory Click Here

11. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Laboratory Click Here

12. Computer Aided Design Laboratory Click Here

13. Robotics & Automation Laboratory Click Here
