Department of Computer Science and Engineering Course Outcomes (COs)

Course Outcomes

B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering

Course Code: MAT151                                              

Course Title: Engineering Mathematics-I

Course Outcomes On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Understand the theory of matrices used in solving the problems in mechanics and other streams.

CO2: Understand the concept of partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem and its extension, total derivative, maxima and minima of a function of two variables, and Lagrange’s method of multipliers.

CO3: Understand the concept of ordinary differential equation and their solutions (Homogeneous, differential equation, Exact differential equations).

CO4: Understand the solution of differential equations with constant coefficients by method of variation of parameters and simultaneous linear differential equations.

Course Code: PHS151  

Course Title: Engineering Physics

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

 CO1: To generate Knowledge of wave optics with particular emphasize on interference, diffraction, polarization

 CO2: To enhance understanding LASER, its working mechanism and various types. Knowledge      of fibre optics

CO3: To create cognizance of superconductivity, Quantum Physics and Nanophysics

CO4: To make students cover the bridge between theory and practical by analysing the obtained data.

Course Code: EED101  

Course Title: Basic Electrical Engineering

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Apply the knowledge of Electrical Engineering principles to solve DC and AC circuits.

CO2: Formulate and analyse electrical circuits. Understand basic principles of electromagnetism

CO3: Understand electrical machines and transformers

CO4: Identify and select various electrical machines according to the applications.

CO5: Apply the ethical principles for troubleshooting & installation of safety devices as per norms.

Course Code: EED102

Course Title: Electrical Engineering Laboratory

Course Outcomes : On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1:  Identify DC and AC circuits

CO2: Formulate and analyse electrical circuits for voltage, current and power measurements

CO3: Apply the ethical principles for troubleshooting & installation of safety devices as per norms of engineering practice

CO4: Interpret basic principles of electromagnetism to implement in electrical machines and transformers.

CO5: Recognize and select various electrical machines according to the applications.

Course Code MED103

Course Title Design Thinking and Idea Lab

Course Outcomes On the completion of the course the student will be able to:

CO1: To learn all the skills associated with the tools and inventory associated with the IDEA Lab.

CO2: Learn useful mechanical and electronic fabrication processes.

CO3: Learn necessary skills to build useful and standalone system/ project with enclosures.

CO4: Perceive individual differences and its impact on everyday decisions and further Create a better customer experience.

Course Code HVE101  

Course Title Human Values and Ethics

Course Outcomes On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Development of a holistic perspective based on self – exploration about themselves (human being), family, society and nature/existence.

 CO2: Understanding (or developing clarity) of the harmony in the human being, family, society and nature/existence

CO3: Strengthening of self-reflection.

 CO4: Development of commitment and courage to act.

Course Code: ENH111 

Course Title: Cambridge English-I

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to

CO1: Develop effective listening skills to comprehend spoken English in various contexts and accents, employing strategies such as skimming, scanning, and understanding implicit meaning.

CO2: Improve spoken communication skills by expressing ideas fluently, engaging in discussions, role-plays, and collaborative tasks, and applying effective communication strategies.

 CO3: Enhance reading comprehension abilities to understand and interpret diverse written materials using techniques like skimming, scanning, and critical reading to extract essential information.

 CO4: Develop writing proficiency to produce well-structured, coherent written pieces, demonstrating accurate grammar usage, vocabulary selection, and effective organization.

Course Code: MAT152 

Course Title: Engineering Mathematics-II

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to:

CO1: Understand complex numbers and its applications, summation of trigonometric series.

CO2: Understand double, triple integration to use in finding areas and volumes of curves.

CO3: Understand vector calculus, del, gradient, divergence, and line and surface integrals.

CO4: Understand Convergence, divergence, absolute convergence, uniform convergence and different tests to check convergence.

Course Code: CHM151 

Course Title: Chemistry

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to:

CO1: Students will be able to understand the basic concept of spectroscopy (IR, UV, and NMR).

CO2: Familiarize with the basic properties of water and its uses in industrial and domestic purposes and understand the basic knowledge about corrosion, their classification, different mechanism and understand the various factors influencing corrosion and various methods of corrosion control.

 CO3: To provide the basic knowledge about the classification of polymer. Familiarize students with a complete packet of information of mechanism of polymerization, the effect of molecular weight on the properties of polymers, and understand the basic concept of polymer reinforced composites. Understand the concept of chemistry in Nano science and nanotechnology.

 CO4: Apply the concept of physical properties of liquids, pH and to understand the basic objectives of experiments in engineering chemistry.

Course Code: MED102   

Course Title: Manufacturing Practice

Course Outcomes On the completion of the course the student will be able to:

 CO1: To Know basic workshop processes, Read, and interpret job drawing.

CO2: Identify, select, and use various marking, measuring, holding, striking, and cutting tools & equipment’s

CO3: Operate and control different machines and equipment’s.

CO4: To provide exposure to the students with hands on experience on various basic engineering practices in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Course Code: CST100       

Course Title: Programming for Problem Solving

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to

CO1: Develop and translate the algorithms to programs & execution

CO2: Implement conditional branching and iteration.

CO3: Use arrays, strings and decompose a problem into functions

CO4: Use pointers and structures to formulate algorithms and programs and to use files to perform read and write operations.

Course Code: CST102   

Course Title Programming for Problem Solving Laboratory

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to

CO1: Develop and translate the algorithms to programs & execution

CO2: Implement conditional branching and iteration.

CO3: Use arrays, strings and decompose a problem into functions

CO4: Use pointers and structures to formulate algorithms and programs and to use files to perform read and write operations.

Course Code: EVS104      

Course Title: Environment Studies

Course Outcomes On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: To Understand the interconnected and interdisciplinary nature of environmental studies and develops critical thinking skills in relation to environmental affairs. Acquire knowledge about the depletion of the root cause of natural resources and their effective management.

CO2: To aware about the ecosystems, biodiversity and its importance to mankind. Interpret and propose solutions to various environmental pollution, solid waste and disaster management.

CO3: Expand awareness of self in a global society and effectively engage diverse perspectives, values, and cultures, ranging from local to global in dealing with environmental and social issues. Awareness about effect of population increase on humans itself. Causes of spread of different diseases in society. How Indian government is supporting women and children that considered weakest section of society.

CO4: Field visits and practical applications will help the students to enhance their skills for the betterment of environment.

Course Code: ENH112      

Course Title: Cambridge English-II

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to

CO1: Proficiently handle diverse communication situations, including listening to complaints, news stories, and podcasts; discussing careers and experiences; expressing emotions and cultural expectations; and writing critical online reviews.

CO2: Consolidate advanced grammar and vocabulary knowledge for accurate and appropriate language usage.

CO3: Utilize comprehensive audio and video resources to develop effective language comprehension and production.

 CO4: Effective Communication in Diverse Contexts: Demonstrate fluency, coherence, and confidence in expressing complex ideas, drawing conclusions, discussing hypothetical situations, and describing qualities for success.

Course Code: CST203

Course Title: Computer Organization

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Explain the organization of basic computer, its design and the design of ALU, control unit.

CO2: Demonstrate the working of central processing unit and RISC and CISC Architecture.

 CO3: Describe the operations and language of the register transfer, micro operations and input- output organization.

CO4: Understand the organization of memory and memory management hardware.

CO5: Elaborate advanced concepts of computer architecture, Parallel Processing, pipelining, inter-processor communication and synchronization.

Course Code: CST205      

Course Title: Data structures

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

Theory: CO1: Understand the concept of data structure, memory management, data types, Algorithms, Big O notation.

 CO2: Understand basic data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks and queues.

 CO3: Operations performed on linear and nonlinear data structures.

CO4: Solve problem involving graphs, trees and heaps

CO5: Apply Algorithm for solving problems like sorting, searching, insertion and deletion of data.


CO1: Be able to design and analyse the time and space efficiency of the data structure

CO2: Be capable to identity the appropriate data structure for given problem

CO3: Have practical knowledge on the applications of data structure

Course Code: CST207

Course Title: Digital Electronics

Course Outcomes On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1:-Students will be able to represent numerical values in various number systems and perform number conversions between different number systems, various codes and operation of logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR)

CO2:-Students will demonstrate the knowledge of: Boolean algebra including algebraic manipulation/simplification, and application of DeMorgan’s theorems. Karnaugh map and Q-M reduction method. Able to analyse and design digital combinational circuits including arithmetic circuits (half adder, full adder), decoders, encoders, multiplexers, and de-multiplexers, code converters.

CO3:- Students will Analyse the synchronous and asynchronous logic circuits such as flip flops, registers, and counters and able to understand/D and D/A converters.

CO4:- Students will be able to understand various types of memories and logic families.

CO5: To exhibit project planning


CO1: Learn the basics of gates.

CO2: Construct basic combinational circuits and verify their functionalities

CO3: Apply the design procedure to design basic sequential circuits

 CO4: Learn about counters

CO5: Learn about Shift registers

 CO6: To understand the basic digital circuits and to verify their operation

Course Code: CST209           

Course Title: Discrete Mathematics

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Analyse logical propositions via truth tables.

CO2: Determine properties of relations, identify equivalence and partial order relations, sketch relations.

CO3: Understand sets and perform operations and algebra on sets.

CO4: Define basic tree data structures and identify algorithmic functions associated with them

CO5: Define graphs, digraphs, and identify their main properties.

CO6: Evaluate combinations and permutations on sets.

Course Code: CEC101 

Course Title: Community Engagement

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Gain an understanding of rural life, culture and social realities

CO2: Develop a sense of empathy and bonds of mutuality with local community

CO3: Appreciate significant contributions of local communities to Indian society and economy

CO4: Learn to value the local knowledge and wisdom of the community

CO5: Identify opportunities for contributing to community’s socio-economic improvements.

Course Code: CST202

Course Title: System Programming

Course Outcomes Theory: After the completion of this course the participants would gain the knowledge of:

CO1: To study about system programming and various types of system software.

CO2: Explanations of each phase of compiler

CO3: To study about assembler and components of assembly language.

CO4: To study about operating system concepts, Loaders and Editors.

Practical: After completion of this course, a student will be able to:

CO1: Understand the basic concept of compiler design

CO2: To know the working of the assembler

CO3: Design and implement system utility programs

CO4: Develop skills to write program using system services.

Course Code: CST204 

Course Title: Data Communication and Networking

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Understand the basics of data communication, networking, signals and Network Categories

CO2: To study about data models and usage of transmission media.

CO3: Error correction and detection techniques and analyse the services provided by protocols and features of various protocols in data networks.

CO4: To know about various routing algorithms used in network layer.

CO5: Recognize and use of various types of protocols used in transport layer and application layer

Course Code: CST206    

Course Title: Operating System Concepts

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

 CO1: Understand Functions, Services and structure of Operating Systems.

CO2: Understand processes, schedulers and explanation of CPU scheduling.

CO3: Understand issues related to Process Synchronization and focus on principles of Deadlock and related problems.

CO4: Comprehend the mechanisms used in Memory Management and Virtual Memory.

 CO5: Understand the concepts of File System, secondary storage management and Disk Scheduling


CO1: Analyse process management and simulate CPU Scheduling Algorithms like FCFS, Round Robin, SJF, and Priority, Deadlock management.

CO2: Implement memory management schemes and page replacement schemes.

CO3: Implement file allocation methods and disk scheduling algorithms.

CO4: Experiment with UNIX commands and shell programming

Course Code: CST208  

Course Title: Database Management System

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Model Entity-Relationship diagrams for enterprise level databases

CO2: Formulate Queries using SQL and Relational Formal Query Languages

CO3: Apply different normal forms to design the Database

CO4: Summarize concurrency control protocols and recovery algorithms


CO1. Understand practical knowledge on designing and creating relational database systems using SQL.

CO2. Formulate queries using SQL DML/DDL commands.

CO3. Formulate queries using different Logical and SQL operators.

CO4. Understand the various queries execution such as Aggregating, character, number functions, and group functions, constraints, set operations joins, views and data type conversion.

CO5. Understand the concept of Sub queries, Nested Queries and saving of data using Rollback, Commit.

Course Code: MAT252

Course Title: Engineering Mathematics-III

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to

CO1: To understand the details of Fourier series and Fourier Transformation.

CO2: To understand the Laplace transforms and its applications

CO3: To understand the partial differential equations, types of partial differentials differential equation and Applications of Partial differential equation.

CO4: To understand the Analytic Function and Complex Integration.

Course Code: CST301    

Course Title: Cryptography and Network Security

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills

CO1: Identify the security issues in the network and resolve it.

CO2: Analyse the vulnerabilities in any computing system and hence be able to design a security solution.

CO3: Evaluate security mechanisms using rigorous approaches by key ciphers and Hash functions.

CO4: Demonstrate various network security applications, IPSec, Firewall, IDS, Web Security, Email Security and Malicious software etc.,

Course Code: CST303        

Course Title: Data Mining & Warehousing

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills

CO1: Identify the scope and necessity of Data Mining & Warehousing for the society

CO2: Describe the designing of Data Warehousing so that it can be able to solve the root problems.

CO3: To understand various tools of Data Mining and their techniques to solve the real time problems.

CO4: To develop ability to design various algorithms based on data mining tools.

 CO5: To develop further interest in research and design of new Data Mining techniques.


CO1: The data mining process and important issues around data cleaning, preprocessing and integration.

CO2: The principle algorithms and techniques used in data mining, such as clustering, association mining, classification and prediction.

Course Code: CST305      

Course Title: Software Engineering

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills

CO1: Plan a software engineering process life cycle, including the specification, design, implementation, and testing of software systems that meet specification, performance, maintenance and quality requirements

CO2: Able to elicit, analyse and specify software requirements through a productive working relationship with various stakeholders of the project

CO3: Analyse and translate a specification into a design, and then realize that design practically, using an appropriate software engineering methodology.

CO4: Know how to develop the code from the design and effectively apply relevant standards and perform testing, and quality management and practice

CO5: Know how to manage the risks, ensures quality management and able to manage modern engineering tools.

Course Code: CST307     

Course Title:  Algorithm Design & Analysis

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills

CO1: Describe the basic concepts of the algorithms and analyse the worst-case running times of algorithms using asymptotic analysis.

CO2: Use divide-and-conquer techniques for solving suitable problems.

CO3: Describe the greedy paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for it.

CO4: Apply dynamic programming and backtracking approaches to solve suitable problems.

CO5: Able to Explain the major graph algorithms and Employ graphs to model engineering problems, when appropriate. Able to describe the classes P, NP, and NP-Complete.


CO1: Identify the problem given and design the algorithm using various algorithm design techniques.

 CO2: Implement various algorithms in a high level language.

 CO3: Analyse the performance of various algorithms.

CO4: Compare the performance of different algorithms for same problem.

Course Code: CST309     

Course Title: Computer Graphics

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills

CO1. Classify and describe various Computer Graphics tools and techniques.

CO2. Analyse and apply various algorithms of 2D and 3D Transformations on different type of objects.

CO3. Determine and apply appropriate 2D and 3D clipping algorithms and various projection techniques on different types of objects.

CO4. Observe and Understand and differentiate various visibility and shading techniques and models.


CO1. Design scan conversion problems using C/C++/Python programming

CO2. Analyse and apply various algorithms of 2D Transformations on different type of objects in C/C++/Python Programming.

CO3. Determine and apply appropriate 2D clipping algorithms on line CO4. Understand the practical implementations of the Bezier Curve

Course Code: CST302  

Course Title: Theory of Computation

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Describes the basic concepts of Finite Automata, DFA and NDFA, Mealy and Moore Machines

CO2: Describes the notion of Grammar and Regular Expressions

CO3: Describes the fundamentals of Context free Grammar and Languages with different normal forms for Context Free Grammars.

CO4: Describes the basic concept of Pushdown Automata & Turing Machines.

Course Code: CST304

Course Title: Big Data Analytics

Course Outcomes On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Understand the concepts of distributed file system

CO2: Learn abstraction of hadoop environment

CO3: Study the hadoop architecture CO4: Know the hadoop ecosystem and yarn components CO5: Learn different architecture like HIVE and HIVEQL, HBASE

Course code: CST306

Course Title: Python Programming

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: To read and write simple Python programs.

CO2: To develop Python programs with conditionals and loops

CO3: To define Python functions and to use Python data structure- lists, tuples, dictionaries

CO4: To implement object oriented programming concepts using python

CO5: To do exception handling and multithreading in Python


CO1: Demonstrate familiarity with major algorithms and data structures.

CO2: Calculate and analyse performance of algorithms

CO3: Choose the appropriate data structure and algorithm design method for a specified application.

CO4: Identify which algorithm or data structure to use in different scenarios.

CO5: Familiar with writing recursive methods

Course Code: CST308

Course Title: Digital Image Processing

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Identify and describe operation of different smoothing and sharpening filters.

CO2: Students are able to analyse the different segmentation techniques

CO3: Students are able to apply different de-noising models to recover original image.

CO4: Identify different pattern recognition methods and apply them in problem areas.

Course Code: CST310

Course Title: Artificial Intelligence & Expert System

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Explain what constitutes "Artificial" Intelligence and how to identify systems with Artificial Intelligence.

CO2: Apply AI algorithms for solving practical problems such as search algorithms, minimax algorithm, neural networks, tracking

CO3: Describe knowledge representation schemes and reasoning, how intelligent system works.

CO4: Apply the methodology to transfer human knowledge into an expert system

CO5: Design a knowledge base and implement a rule-based expert system

Course Code: CST401

Course Title: Compiler Design

Course Outcomes: After successfully completing this course the students will be able to

CO1: Understand the basics of compiler and identify the relationship among different phases of compiler.

CO2: Understand the application of finite state machines, recursive descent, production rules, parsing and language semantics.

CO3: Parser construction using different parsing techniques.

CO4: Language identification and grammar writing.

CO5: Applying Intermediate code generation techniques to provide platform independence.

CO6: Apply Code Generation and Optimization techniques to generate optimized Assembly code.

Course Code: CST403

Course Title: Distributed Systems

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the students will be able to

CO1: Understand the design principles in distributed systems and the architectures for distributed systems.

CO2: Apply various distributed algorithms related to clock synchronization, concurrency control, deadlock detection, load balancing, voting etc.

CO3: Analyse fault tolerance and recovery in distributed systems and algorithms for the same.

CO4: Analyse the design and functioning of existing distributed systems and file systems.

CO5: Implement different distributed algorithms over current distributed platforms.

Course Code: CST405

Course Title: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Describe three core Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks and implement basic respective computational approaches: language modelling

CO2: Identify and formulate a text processing for NLP and syntactic parsing.

CO3: Design and carry out a sound experimental method for POS tagging, Neural-Network based NLP research.

CO4: Analyse the results of an NLP experiment

Course Code: CST402

Course Title: Information Security

Course Outcomes: Theory: After successfully completing this course the students will be able to

CO1: Describe the fundamental concepts of information system security.

CO2: Analyse block cipher encryption algorithm

CO3: Understand the concept of advance encryption algorithm, public key cryptography and key management

CO4: Describe authentication protocols, Hashing functions and hash algorithm

CO5: Understand the following terms: Authentication applications, IP security policy, host based security, firewall, and packet filtering and intrusion detection


CO1: To implement Symmetric and Asymmetric cipher techniques.

CO2: Demonstrate the concept of random numbers generation

CO3: To implement various network security algorithms to cipher and decipher the text.

CO4: Implement of system security methods.

Course Code: CST404

Course Title: Mobile Computing & Communication

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Define mobile technologies in terms of hardware, software, and communications.

CO2: Utilize mobile computing nomenclature to describe and analyse existing mobile computing frameworks and architectures.

CO3: Evaluate the effectiveness of different mobile computing frameworks.

CO4: Describe how mobile technology functions to enable other computing technologies.

Course Code CST404

Course Title: Mobile Computing & Communication

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Define mobile technologies in terms of hardware, software, and communications.

CO2: Utilize mobile computing nomenclature to describe and analyse existing mobile computing frameworks and architectures.

CO3: Evaluate the effectiveness of different mobile computing frameworks.

CO4: Describe how mobile technology functions to enable other computing technologies.

Course Code: ENG352

Course Title: Professional Communication

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Students will understand various forms of communication as well as barriers to effective communication.

CO2: The students will have a broad vocabulary and will be able to articulate concepts accurately and more effectively to others.

CO3: Students will have enough knowledge and practice of formal conversations, discussions and presentations.

CO4: The students will be able to effectively write cover letters and CVs and will have practised their interview skills.


Course Code: CST320 

Course Title: Software Project Management

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to

CO1: Understand Project Management principles while developing software.

CO2: Gain extensive knowledge about the basic project management concepts, framework and the process models.

 CO3: Obtain adequate knowledge about software process models and software effort estimation techniques.

CO4: Estimate the risks involved in various project activities.

 CO5: Define the checkpoints, project reporting structure, project progress and tracking mechanisms using project management principles.

Course Code: CST322   

Course Title: New Age Technologies

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to

CO1: Obtain adequate knowledge about block chain

CO2: Gain extensive knowledge about the cloud computing and services

CO3: Understanding the importance of internet of things and its application

CO4: Have Overview in data analysis and big data.

Course Code: CST324

Course Title: Digitizing Industry Knowledge for Software Development

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to

CO1: Obtain adequate knowledge about block chain

CO2: Gain extensive knowledge about the cloud computing and services

CO3: Understanding the importance of internet of things and its application

CO4: Have Overview in data analysis and big data

Course Code: CST326

Course Title: System Simulation & Modelling

Course Outcomes: After successfully completing this course the students will be able to

CO1: Demonstrate the simulation categorization at various levels.

CO2: Discuss the fundamental elements of discrete-event simulation including statistical models, random processes, random variants, and inputs to simulation

CO3: Analyse a real world problem and apply modelling methodologies to develop a discrete-event simulation model

CO4: Recognize the cost/benefits of computer simulation, the generation of meaningful results, decision making, and risks CO5: Analysing the verification and validation of simulation model.


Course Code: CST431

Course Title: Computer Vision

Course Outcomes: After successfully completing this course the students will be able to

CO1: Demonstrate the simulation categorization at various levels.

CO2: Discuss the fundamental elements of discrete-event simulation including statistical models, random processes, random variants, and inputs to simulation

CO3: Analyse a real world problem and apply modelling methodologies to develop a discrete-event simulation model

CO4: Recognize the cost/benefits of computer simulation, the generation of meaningful results, decision making, and risks

CO5: Analysing the verification and validation of simulation model

Course Code: CST433

Course Title: Bioinformatics

Course Outcomes: After successfully completing this course the students will be able to

CO1: Demonstrate the simulation categorization at various levels.

CO2: Discuss the fundamental elements of discrete-event simulation including statistical models, random processes, random variants, and inputs to simulation

CO3: Analyse a real world problem and apply modelling methodologies to develop a discrete-event simulation model

CO4: Recognize the cost/benefits of computer simulation, the generation of meaningful results, decision making, and risks

CO5: Analysing the verification and validation of simulation model.

Course Code: CST435

Course Title: Optimization Techniques

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, the student will be able to

CO1: Comprehend the techniques and applications of Engineering optimization.

CO2: Analyse characteristics of a general linear programming problem

CO3: Apply basic concepts of mathematics to formulate an optimization problem

CO4: Analyse various methods of solving the unconstrained minimization problem

 CO5: Analyse and appreciate variety of performance measures for various optimization problems.

Course Code: CST437

Course Title: Parallel computing

Course Outcomes: After successfully completing this course the students will be able to

CO1: Apply the fundamentals of parallel and distributed computing including parallel architectures and paradigms.

CO2: Have knowledge on Different Structures of Parallel computational models

CO3: Analyse the performance Metrics and classify parallel processors.

CO4: Develop various parallel algorithms for programing.

Course Outcomes

B.Tech. Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence

Course Code: MAT151                                              

Course Title: Engineering Mathematics-I

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Understand the theory of matrices used in solving the problems in mechanics and other streams.

CO2: Understand the concept of partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem and its extension, total derivative, maxima and minima of a function of two variables, and Lagrange’s method of multipliers.

CO3: Understand the concept of ordinary differential equation and their solutions (Homogeneous, differential equation, Exact differential equations).

CO4: Understand the solution of differential equations with constant coefficients by method of variation of parameters and simultaneous linear differential equations.

Course Code: PHS151  

Course Title: Engineering Physics

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

 CO1: To generate Knowledge of wave optics with particular emphasize on interference, diffraction, polarization

 CO2: To enhance understanding LASER, its working mechanism and various types. Knowledge      of fibre optics

CO3: To create cognizance of superconductivity, Quantum Physics and Nanophysics

CO4: To make students cover the bridge between theory and practical by analysing the obtained data.

Course Code: EED101   

Course Title: Basic Electrical Engineering

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Apply the knowledge of Electrical Engineering principles to solve DC and AC circuits.

CO2: Formulate and analyse electrical circuits. Understand basic principles of electromagnetism

CO3: Understand electrical machines and transformers

CO4: Identify and select various electrical machines according to the applications.

CO5: Apply the ethical principles for troubleshooting & installation of safety devices as per norms.

Course Code: EED102

Course Title: Electrical Engineering Laboratory

Course Outcomes : On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1:  Identify DC and AC circuits

CO2: Formulate and analyse electrical circuits for voltage, current and power measurements

CO3: Apply the ethical principles for troubleshooting & installation of safety devices as per norms of engineering practice

CO4: Interpret basic principles of electromagnetism to implement in electrical machines and transformers.

 CO5: Recognize and select various electrical machines according to the applications

Course Code: MED103

Course Title: Design Thinking and Idea Lab

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to:

CO1: To learn all the skills associated with the tools and inventory associated with the IDEA Lab.

CO2: Learn useful mechanical and electronic fabrication processes.

CO3: Learn necessary skills to build useful and standalone system/ project with enclosures.

CO4: Perceive individual differences and its impact on everyday decisions and further Create a better customer experience.

Course Code: HVE101  

Course Title: Human Values and Ethics

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Development of a holistic perspective based on self – exploration about themselves (human being), family, society and nature/existence.

 CO2: Understanding (or developing clarity) of the harmony in the human being, family, society and nature/existence

CO3: Strengthening of self-reflection.

 CO4: Development of commitment and courage to act.

Course Code: ENH111  

Course Title: Cambridge English-I

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to

CO1: Develop effective listening skills to comprehend spoken English in various contexts and accents, employing strategies such as skimming, scanning, and understanding implicit meaning.

CO2: Improve spoken communication skills by expressing ideas fluently, engaging in discussions, role-plays, and collaborative tasks, and applying effective communication strategies.

 CO3: Enhance reading comprehension abilities to understand and interpret diverse written materials using techniques like skimming, scanning, and critical reading to extract essential information.

 CO4: Develop writing proficiency to produce well-structured, coherent written pieces, demonstrating accurate grammar usage, vocabulary selection, and effective organization.

Course Code: MAT152 

Course Title: Engineering Mathematics-II

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to:

CO1: Understand complex numbers and its applications, summation of trigonometric series.

CO2: Understand double, triple integration to use in finding areas and volumes of curves.

CO3: Understand vector calculus, del, gradient, divergence, and line and surface integrals.

 CO4: Understand Convergence, divergence, absolute convergence, uniform convergence and different tests to check convergence.

Course Code: CHM151 

Course Title: Chemistry

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to:

CO1: Students will be able to understand the basic concept of spectroscopy (IR, UV, and NMR).

CO2: Familiarize with the basic properties of water and its uses in industrial and domestic purposes and understand the basic knowledge about corrosion, their classification, different mechanism and understand the various factors influencing corrosion and various methods of corrosion control.

 CO3: To provide the basic knowledge about the classification of polymer. Familiarize students with a complete packet of information of mechanism of polymerization, the effect of molecular weight on the properties of polymers, and understand the basic concept of polymer reinforced composites. Understand the concept of chemistry in Nano science and nanotechnology.

 CO4: Apply the concept of physical properties of liquids, pH and to understand the basic objectives of experiments in engineering chemistry.

Course Code: MED102   

Course Title: Manufacturing Practice

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to:

CO1: To Know basic workshop processes, Read, and interpret job drawing.

CO2: Identify, select, and use various marking, measuring, holding, striking, and cutting tools & equipment’s

CO3: Operate and control different machines and equipment’s.

CO4: To provide exposure to the students with hands on experience on various basic engineering practices in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Course Code: CST100       

Course Title: Programming for Problem Solving

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to

CO1: Develop and translate the algorithms to programs & execution

CO2: Implement conditional branching and iteration.

CO3: Use arrays, strings and decompose a problem into functions

CO4: Use pointers and structures to formulate algorithms and programs and to use files to perform read and write operations.

Course Code: CST102   

Course Title: Programming for Problem Solving Laboratory

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to

 CO1: Develop and translate the algorithms to programs & execution

CO2: Implement conditional branching and iteration.

CO3: Use arrays, strings and decompose a problem into functions

 CO4: Use pointers and structures to formulate algorithms and programs and to use files to perform read and write operations.

Course Code: EVS104       

Course Title Environment Studies

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: To Understand the interconnected and interdisciplinary nature of environmental studies and develops critical thinking skills in relation to environmental affairs. Acquire knowledge about the depletion of the root cause of natural resources and their effective management.

CO2: To aware about the ecosystems, biodiversity and its importance to mankind. Interpret and propose solutions to various environmental pollution, solid waste and disaster management.

CO3: Expand awareness of self in a global society and effectively engage diverse perspectives, values, and cultures, ranging from local to global in dealing with environmental and social issues. Awareness about effect of population increase on humans itself. Causes of spread of different diseases in society. How Indian government is supporting women and children that considered weakest section of society.

CO4: Field visits and practical applications will help the students to enhance their skills for the betterment of environment.

Course Code ENH112      

Course Title Cambridge English-II

 Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to

 CO1: Proficiently handle diverse communication situations, including listening to complaints, news stories, and podcasts; discussing careers and experiences; expressing emotions and cultural expectations; and writing critical online reviews.

CO2: Consolidate advanced grammar and vocabulary knowledge for accurate and appropriate language usage.

CO3: Utilize comprehensive audio and video resources to develop effective language comprehension and production.

 CO4: Effective Communication in Diverse Contexts: Demonstrate fluency, coherence, and confidence in expressing complex ideas, drawing conclusions, discussing hypothetical situations, and describing qualities for success.

Course Code: CST201      

Course Title: Object Oriented Programming

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Describe the procedural and object-oriented paradigm with concepts of streams, classes, functions, data and objects.

CO2: Understand dynamic memory management techniques using pointers, constructors, destructors, etc.

CO3: Describe the concept of function overloading, operator overloading, virtual functions and polymorphism.

CO4: Classify inheritance with the understanding of early and late binding, usage of exception handling, generic programming. CO5: Demonstrate the use of various OOPs concepts and file handling with the help of programs.

Course Code CST211   

Course Title Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Course Outcomes On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

 CO1: Explain what constitutes "Artificial" Intelligence and how to identify systems with Artificial Intelligence.

CO2: Apply AI algorithms for solving practical problems such as search algorithms, minmax algorithm, neural networks, tracking

CO3: Describe knowledge representation schemes and reasoning.

CO4: Explain how intelligent system works.

CO5: To exhibit project planning

Course Code: CST205      

Course Title: Data structures

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:


CO1: Understand the concept of data structure, memory management, data types, Algorithms, Big O notation.

CO2: Understand basic data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks and queues.

CO3: Operations performed on linear and nonlinear data structures.

CO4: Solve problem involving graphs, trees and heaps

CO5: Apply Algorithm for solving problems like sorting, searching, insertion and deletion of data.


CO1: Be able to design and analyse the time and space efficiency of the data structure

CO2: Be capable to identity the appropriate data structure for given problem

CO3: Have practical knowledge on the applications of data structure

Course Code CST207

Course Title Digital Electronics

Course Outcomes On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Students will be able to represent numerical values in various number systems and perform number conversions between different number systems, various codes and operation of logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR)

CO2:-Students will demonstrate the knowledge of: Boolean algebra including algebraic manipulation/simplification, and application of DeMorgan’s theorems. Karnaugh map and Q-M reduction method. Able to analyse and design digital combinational circuits including arithmetic circuits (half adder, full adder), decoders, encoders, multiplexers, and de-multiplexers, code converters.

CO3:- Students will Analyse the synchronous and asynchronous logic circuits such as flip flops, registers, and counters and able to understand/D and D/A converters.

CO4:- Students will be able to understand various types of memories and logic families.

CO5: To exhibit project planning


CO1: Learn the basics of gates.

CO2: Construct basic combinational circuits and verify their functionalities

CO3: Apply the design procedure to design basic sequential circuits

 CO4: Learn about counters

CO5: Learn about Shift registers

CO6: To understand the basic digital circuits and to verify their operation

Course Code: CST209           

Course Title: Discrete Mathematics

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Analyse logical propositions via truth tables.

CO2: Determine properties of relations, identify equivalence and partial order relations, sketch relations.

CO3: Understand sets and perform operations and algebra on sets.

CO4: Define basic tree data structures and identify algorithmic functions associated with them

CO5: Define graphs, digraphs, and identify their main properties.

CO6: Evaluate combinations and permutations on sets.

Course Code CEC101  

Course Title Community Engagement

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Gain an understanding of rural life, culture and social realities

CO2: Develop a sense of empathy and bonds of mutuality with local community

CO3: Appreciate significant contributions of local communities to Indian society and economy

CO4: Learn to value the local knowledge and wisdom of the community

CO5: Identify opportunities for contributing to community’s socio-economic improvements.

Course Code CST204 

Course Title Data Communication and Networking

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Understand the basics of data communication, networking, signals and Network Categories

CO2: To study about data models and usage of transmission media.

CO3: Error correction and detection techniques and analyse the services provided by protocols and features of various protocols in data networks.

CO4: To know about various routing algorithms used in network layer.

CO5: Recognize and use of various types of protocols used in transport layer and application layer

Course Code CST206    

Course Title Operating System Concepts

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Understand Functions, Services and structure of Operating Systems.

CO2: Understand processes, schedulers and explanation of CPU scheduling.

CO3: Understand issues related to Process Synchronization and focus on principles of Deadlock and related problems.

CO4: Comprehend the mechanisms used in Memory Management and Virtual Memory.

 CO5: Understand the concepts of File System, secondary storage management and Disk Scheduling


CO1: Analyse process management and simulate CPU Scheduling Algorithms like FCFS, Round Robin, SJF, and Priority, Deadlock management.

CO2: Implement memory management schemes and page replacement schemes.

 CO3: Implement file allocation methods and disk scheduling algorithms.

CO4: Experiment with UNIX commands and shell programming

Course Code CST208  

Course Title Database Management System

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

 CO1: Model Entity-Relationship diagrams for enterprise level databases

CO2: Formulate Queries using SQL and Relational Formal Query Languages

CO3: Apply different normal forms to design the Database

CO4: Summarize concurrency control protocols and recovery algorithms


 CO1. Understand practical knowledge on designing and creating relational database systems using SQL.

CO2. Formulate queries using SQL DML/DDL commands.

CO3. Formulate queries using different Logical and SQL operators.

CO4. Understand the various queries execution such as Aggregating, character, number functions, and group functions, constraints, set operations joins, views and data type conversion.

CO5. Understand the concept of Sub queries, Nested Queries and saving of data using Rollback, Commit.

Course Code CST 210

Course Title Programming Essential in Python

Course Outcomes On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: To read and write simple Python programs.

CO2: To develop Python programs with conditionals and loops.

CO3: To define Python functions and to use Python data structure- lists, tuples, dictionaries

CO4: To implement object oriented programming concepts using python

CO5: To do exception handling and multithreading in Python


CO1: Demonstrate familiarity with major algorithms and data structures.

CO2: Calculate and analyse performance of algorithms

CO3: Choose the appropriate data structure and algorithm design method for a specified application.

CO4: Identify which algorithm or data structure to use in different scenarios.

CO5: Familiar with writing recursive methods

Course Code CST 212     

Course Title Data Analysis Using Ms-Excel and SPSS

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Knowledge about SPSS and its operations, representing data diagrammatically and graphically using MS-EXCEL and SPSS.

CO2: Ability to compute absolute and relative measures of central tendency and dispersion, correlation and regression analysis using MS-EXCEL and SPSS.

CO3: Knowledge about concepts related to hypothesis, computation of large sample tests using MS-EXCEL and SPSS.

CO4: Ability to identify and compute small sample tests, Chi-square tests using MS-EXCEL and SPSS

Course Code CST301    

Course Title Cryptography and Network Security

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills

 CO1: Identify the security issues in the network and resolve it.

CO2: Analyse the vulnerabilities in any computing system and hence be able to design a security solution.

CO3: Evaluate security mechanisms using rigorous approaches by key ciphers and Hash functions.

CO4: Demonstrate various network security applications, IPSec, Firewall, IDS, Web Security, Email Security and Malicious software etc.,

Course Code CST303        

Course Title Data Mining & Warehousing

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills

CO1: Identify the scope and necessity of Data Mining & Warehousing for the society

CO2: Describe the designing of Data Warehousing so that it can be able to solve the root problems.

CO3: To understand various tools of Data Mining and their techniques to solve the real time problems.

CO4: To develop ability to design various algorithms based on data mining tools.

 CO5: To develop further interest in research and design of new Data Mining techniques.


CO1: The data mining process and important issues around data cleaning, preprocessing and integration.

CO2: The principle algorithms and techniques used in data mining, such as clustering, association mining, classification and prediction.

Course Code CST305      

Course Title Software Engineering

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills

CO1: Plan a software engineering process life cycle, including the specification, design, implementation, and testing of software systems that meet specification, performance, maintenance and quality requirements

CO2: Able to elicit, analyse and specify software requirements through a productive working relationship with various stakeholders of the project

CO3: Analyse and translate a specification into a design, and then realize that design practically, using an appropriate software engineering methodology.

CO4: Know how to develop the code from the design and effectively apply relevant standards and perform testing, and quality management and practice

CO5: Know how to manage the risks, ensures quality management and able to manage modern engineering tools.

Course Code CST307     

Course Title Algorithm Design & Analysis

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills

CO1: Describe the basic concepts of the algorithms and analyse the worst-case running times of algorithms using asymptotic analysis.

CO2: Use divide-and-conquer techniques for solving suitable problems.

CO3: Describe the greedy paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for it.

CO4: Apply dynamic programming and backtracking approaches to solve suitable problems.

CO5: Able to Explain the major graph algorithms and Employ graphs to model engineering problems, when appropriate. Able to describe the classes P, NP, and NP-Complete.


CO1: Identify the problem given and design the algorithm using various algorithm design techniques.

 CO2: Implement various algorithms in a high level language.

 CO3: Analyse the performance of various algorithms.

CO4: Compare the performance of different algorithms for same problem.

Course Code: CST309     

Course Title: Computer Graphics

Course Outcomes On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills

CO1. Classify and describe various Computer Graphics tools and techniques.

CO2. Analyse and apply various algorithms of 2D and 3D Transformations on different type of objects.

CO3. Determine and apply appropriate 2D and 3D clipping algorithms and various projection techniques on different types of objects.

CO4. Observe and Understand and differentiate various visibility and shading techniques and models.


CO1. Design scan conversion problems using C/C++/Python programming

CO2. Analyse and apply various algorithms of 2D Transformations on different type of objects in C/C++/Python Programming.

CO3. Determine and apply appropriate 2D clipping algorithms on line CO4. Understand the practical implementations of the Bezier Curve

Course Code CST302  

Course Title Theory of Computation

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Describes the basic concepts of Finite Automata, DFA and NDFA, Mealy and Moore Machines

CO2: Describes the notion of Grammar and Regular Expressions

CO3: Describes the fundamentals of Context free Grammar and Languages with different normal forms for Context Free Grammars.

CO4: Describes the basic concept of Pushdown Automata & Turing Machines.

Course Code: CST304   

Course Title: Big Data Analytics

Course Outcomes:  On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Understand the concepts of distributed file system

CO2: Learn abstraction of hadoop environment

CO3: Study the hadoop architecture CO4: Know the hadoop ecosystem and yarn components CO5: Learn different architecture like HIVE and HIVEQL, HBASE.

Course Code: CST308

Course Title: Digital Image Processing

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Identify and describe operation of different smoothing and sharpening filters.

CO2: Students are able to analyse the different segmentation techniques

CO3: Students are able to apply different de-noising models to recover original image.

 CO4: Identify different pattern recognition methods and apply them in problem areas.

Course Code: CST314   

Course Title: Basics of Robotics

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

 CO1: Understand the concepts of distributed file system

 CO2: Learn abstraction of hadoop environment

 CO3: Study the hadoop architecture

 CO4: Know the hadoop ecosystem and yarn components CO5: Learn different architecture like HIVE and HIVEQL, HBASE

Course Code: CST316

Course Title: Machine Learning

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

 CO1: Develop an appreciation for what is involved in learning models from data

CO2: Understand a wide variety of learning algorithms

 CO3: Understand how to evaluate models generated from data

 CO4: Apply the algorithms to a real problem, optimize the models learned and report on the expected accuracy that can be achieved by applying the models

Course Code: CST405  

Course Title: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills

CO1: Describe three core Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks and implement basic respective computational approaches: language modelling

 CO2: Identify and formulate a text processing for NLP and syntactic parsing.

 CO3: Design and carry out a sound experimental method for POS tagging, Neural-Network based NLP research.

 CO4: Analyse the results of an NLP experiment.

Course Code CST407   

Course Title Internet of Things(IoT) and Sensor Technologies

Course Outcomes On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills

CO1: Understand the fundamentals of internet of things

CO2: Get familiar with network routing and sensor deployment aspects along with challenges

CO3: Design an IoT application with Sensors and Actuators using python

CO4: Gain knowledge about the RFID technology and various sensors

Course Code CST409

Course Title Computer Vision & Data Visualization

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills

CO1. Implement fundamental image processing techniques required for computer vision.

CO2. Implement boundary tracking techniques.

CO3. Apply chain codes and other region descriptors, Hough Transform for line, circle, and ellipse detections.

CO4. Apply 3D vision techniques and Implement motion related techniques.

CO5. Develop applications using computer vision techniques.

Course Code CST402     

Course Title Information Security

Course Outcomes: After successfully completing this course the students will be able to :


CO1: Describe the fundamental concepts of information system security.

 CO2: Analyse block cipher encryption algorithm

CO3: Understand the concept of advance encryption algorithm, public key cryptography and key management

CO4: Describe authentication protocols, Hashing functions and hash algorithm

CO5: Understand the following terms: Authentication applications, IP security policy, host based security, firewall, and packet filtering and intrusion detection


CO1: To implement Symmetric and Asymmetric cipher techniques.

CO2: Demonstrate the concept of random numbers generation

CO3: To implement various network security algorithms to cipher and decipher the text.

CO4: Implement of system security methods

Course Code CST404     

Course Title Mobile Computing & Communication

Course Outcomes On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Define mobile technologies in terms of hardware, software, and communications.

CO2: Utilize mobile computing nomenclature to describe and analyse existing mobile computing frameworks and architectures.

CO3: Evaluate the effectiveness of different mobile computing frameworks.

CO4: Describe how mobile technology functions to enable other computing technologies.

Course Code CST435

Course Title Optimization Techniques

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, the student will be able to

CO1: Comprehend the techniques and applications of Engineering optimization.

CO2: Analyse characteristics of a general linear programming problem

CO3: Apply basic concepts of mathematics to formulate an optimization problem

CO4: Analyse various methods of solving the unconstrained minimization problem

CO5: Analyse and appreciate variety of performance measures for various optimization problems

Course Code ENG352

Course Title Professional Communication

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

 CO1: Students will understand various forms of communication as well as barriers to effective communication.

CO2: The students will have a broad vocabulary and will be able to articulate concepts accurately and more effectively to others.

CO3: Students will have enough knowledge and practice of formal conversations, discussions and presentations.

CO4: The students will be able to effectively write cover letters and CVs and will have practised their interview skills.


Course Code CST320 

Course Title Software Project Management

Course Outcomes On the completion of the course the student will be able to

 CO1: Understand Project Management principles while developing software.

CO2: Gain extensive knowledge about the basic project management concepts, framework and the process models.

 CO3: Obtain adequate knowledge about software process models and software effort estimation techniques.

CO4: Estimate the risks involved in various project activities.

CO5: Define the checkpoints, project reporting structure, project progress and tracking mechanisms using project management principles.

Course Code: CST322   

Course Title: New Age Technologies

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to

CO1: Obtain adequate knowledge about block chain

CO2: Gain extensive knowledge about the cloud computing and services

CO3: Understanding the importance of internet of things and its application

CO4: Have Overview in data analysis and big data.

Course Code: CST328         

Course Title: Cognitive Computing

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to

CO1: Understand various concepts of cognitive computing

CO2: Understand the hybrid earning with fuzzy

CO3: implement machine earning techniques for cognitive computing

CO4: Develop cognitive computing related applications, like Chabot and discuss case studies.

Course Code: CST330   

Course Title: Agent Based Intelligent System

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course the student will be able to

CO1. Develop a computational agent with various searching techniques.

CO2. Apply the reasoning mechanisms of proposition and predicate logic to agents.

CO3. Planning and acting in the Real world and logic-based agents.

CO4. Use the learning mechanisms for an artificial agent.


Course Code: CST439

Course Title: Virtual & Augmented Reality

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills

CO1: Learn about the technology and psychology of VR and differentiate between VR and AR systems.

CO2: Understand the concepts of content creation, interaction and iterative design.

CO3: Use computer vision concepts for AR and describe AR techniques

CO4: Acquire knowledge in VR and AR technologies in terms of used devices, building of the virtual environment and modalities of interaction and modelling.

Course Code: CST441   

Course Title: AI in Healthcare

Course Outcomes: On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills

CO1: Understand what is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine learning (ML)

CO2: Understand the concept of Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications in healthcare

CO3: Analyze the healthcare data and process it using data analysis and statistical tools

CO4: Explore the applications of AI and ML with respect to healthcare domain

Course Code: CST443

Course Title: Fundamentals of Blockchain

Course Outcomes On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

 CO1: Describe the basic concepts and technology used for blockchain.

CO2: Describe the primitives of the distributed computing and cryptography related to blockchain.

CO3: Illustrate the concepts of Bit coin and their usage. CO4: Apply security features in blockchain technologies.

Course Code CST445   

Course Title Business Intelligence

Course Outcomes : On the completion of the course, the student will gain the following knowledge and skills:

CO1: Describe the concepts and components of Business Intelligence (BI).

CO2: Critically evaluate use of BI for supporting decision making in an organisation.

CO3: Understand and use the technologies and tools that make up BI

CO4: Role of knowledge management in business intelligence
