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Dr. Amandeep Brar
M.Sc.; Ph.D.; CSIR-NET
Assistant Professor
2 years and 7 months
Contact No.: 9521274456
Projects: -
Membership: AMI-Life membership
Awards: Merit certificate and University merit scholarship in M.Sc.; Maulana Azad National Fellowship awarded by UGC in Ph.D. (2016-2022)
Research Guidance: 10 M.Sc. students guided.
Editor: -
Specialization: Bioremediation and Biofuel production; Agricultural Microbiology
Brief Proifle

Dr. Amandeep Brar earned her Ph.D. in Microbiology from Central University of Rajasthan in 2022. She worked on the phycoremediation of industrial wastewater and bioenergy production. The different  wastewater was collected from the adjoining areas of the Jaipur and was treated with the microalgal species. The algal population efficiently removed the nutrient load from the wastewater and the resultant biomass produced was anaerobically digested for the biogas production. The simultaneous employment of different algal strains was a novel idea and the work has shown a possibility for the integration of wastewater and bioenergy production.  In her master’s thesis, she has worked on the effect of biofertilizers on the rhizospheric population of microbes in the Maize crop.

She has 11 publications in peer-reviewed International journals, four chapters in edited books and presentations in various national and international conferences.

Professional Activities