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Dr. Amandeep Brar
Conferences Attended
  1. Brar, A. & Pareek, N. (2020). Comparative assessment of phycoremediation and biogas potential of microalgal species in treated sewage wastewater, National conference on "Microbial Bioprospecting: Present and Future Scope" held on 6-7th March 2020, organized by Association of Microbiologists of India-LPU unit at Lovely Professional University, Punjab.
  2. Brar, A. & Pareek, N. (2018). Comparative phycoremediation and bioenergy production of microalgal species cultivated in dairy wastewater, 59th Annual Convocation of Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI-2018) and International Symposium on Host-Pathogen Interactions, 9-12 December 2018, University of Hyderabad.
  3. Brar A, & Pareek N. (2018). Cultivation of microalgae in dairy effluent for phycoremediation and bioenergy production, VI Rajasthan Science Congress, CURAJ, Kishangarh, Oct 13-15.
  4. Brar A, Kumar M, & Pareek N. (2018). Cultivation of Scenedesmus abundans in the textile effluent for phycoremediation, International Conference on Role of Microbes in Industrial Revolution, JNU, Jaipur, March 28-29.
  5. Dash S, Kumar M, Brar A, Vivekanand V, & Pareek N (2017). Enhanced antibacterial action of chitosan nanoparticles via synergism with berberine. World Biotechnology Congress, New Delhi, India, Feb 20-22.
  6. Brar, A., Kumar M. & Pareek, N. (2017). Phycoremediation of Textile effluents and Bioenergy production: A Sustainable Economic Solution to Environment Clean-up and Waste Management. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology for Waste Conversion (ETBWC), NEERI, Nagpur, October 8-10. XIV Annual Convention of The Biotech Research Society (BRSI), India.
  7. Brar, A., Kumar, M. & Pareek, N. (2017). Bioremediation of the textile waste effluent by Anabaena ambigua. 58th Annual Convocation of Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI-2017) and International Symposium on Microbes for Sustainable Development: Scope & Applications, Lucknow, November 16-19
  8. Kumar M, Brar A, & Pareek N. (2016). Thermostable chitinase producing fungal strains from Rajasthan and production of chito-oligosaccharides. National Conference of Fungal Biotechnology & 43rd Annual Meeting of Mycological Society of India, Jaipur, India, Nov 16-18.
  9. Kumar M, Brar A, Vivekanand V, & Pareek N. (2016). Production of bioactive chitooligosaccharides from chitinase derived from thermophilic fungi. 11th Asia Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium & 5th Indian Chitin and Chitosan Society Symposium, Kerala, India, Sept 28-30.   

