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Dr. Satinder Kumar
  • Financial Performance and Sickness in Small Scale Industrial Sector: Trend and Pattern, UGC National Seminar on Changing Policy Regime and Sectoral Performance in India, 17-18 March, by Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, 2017.
  • Crop Diversification in Punjab: Constraints and Potentials, UGC National Seminar on "Agricultural and Rural Diversification in Punjab, held on 17-18 Feb, by Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar. Punjab, 2017.
  • Productivity Growth and Production Structure in small Scale Industrial Sector Comparison of Punjab and Haryana, UGC National Seminar on Issues Facing by the Regional Economy in India: Perspectives and Challenges. 21-22 September, by Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar. Punjab, 2012.



