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Dr. Lakhmir Singh
Workshops/Seminar Attended
  • Attended Symposium-cum-workshop on “Application of TEM in advance Nanobiology and Life Sciences” organized by ICON analytical FEI Company held at I.H.B.T. (CSIR) Palampur from October 4th to 8th , 2010.
  • Participated in “Hands on training on biological sample prepration for TEM and SEM” held at I.H.B.T. (CSIR) Palampur (H.P.) India from September 27th to October 1st, 2010.
  • National Workshop –cum-Webinar on Genome Editing : Basic to Advanced Application in Agriculture, Pharma & Health Sectors organized by Glostem in association with Indian National Young Academy of Sciences held during 27th June - 3rd July, 2022.