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Dr. Lakhmir Singh (Coordinator)
  • Lakhmir Singh, Shalini Devi, Reenu Kumari, Surender Kumar, Yael Levy and Vipin Hallan Association of 2b protein of CMV with glycine rich protein and phloem lectin for virus movement. International Conference on Food Security, Challenges and Opportunities December 07-08, 2018 TIET, Patiala, Punjab, India
  • Lakhmir Singh, Yael Levy and Yedidya Gafni. Expression kinetics of promoter of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus-Israel a Monopartite Begmovirus. Conference on whitefly and thrips transmitted viruses August 27-28, 2010 at University of Delhi - South Campus New Delhi INDIA
  • Yedidya Gafni, Yael Levy, Efrat Glick, Lakhmir Singh, Vitaly Citovsky. TYLCV-Is V2 Role in Suppression RNA Silencing. Conference on whitefly and thrips transmitted viruses August 27-28, 2010 at University of Delhi - South Campus New Delhi INDIA
  • Yedidya Gafni, Efrat Glick, Yael Levy and Lakhmir Singh. Suppression of gene silencing in Tomato yellow leaf curl virus-Israel. INTERNATIONAL BARD WORKSHOP Induction and suppression of RNA silencing: insights from plant viral infections March 14-17, 2010, Eilat, Israel
  • Singh, L.,Hallan, V., Jabeen, N., Singh, A. K., Ram, R. and Zaidi, A. A. Molecular characterization, expression and coat protein interaction studies of Chrysanthemum virus B. In International Symposium on Viruses of Ornamentals and Temperate Fruit Crops 17-18 December 2007 at IHBT, Palampur (H.P.), India
  • Glick, E., Singh, L., Levy, Y. and Gafni, Y. Suppression of gene silencing in Tomato yellow leaf curl virus- Israel. In International Symposium on Viruses of Ornamentals and Temperate Fruit Crops 17-18 December 2007 at IHBT, Palampur (H.P.), India
  • Singh, L., Hallan, V., Jabeen, N., Singh, A. K., Ram, R. and Zaidi, A. A. Coat protein variability among different geographical isolates of Chrysanthemum virus B infecting chrysanthemum. In XVI Annual Convention and International Symposium on Management of Vector -Borne Viruses held at ICRISAT on 7-10 February 2006
  • Lakhmir Singh, VipinHallan, Raja Ram and A. A. Zaidi. Molecular variability and expression of coat protein of Chrysanthemum virus B for development of diagnostics. In National Symposium on Strategic Issues in Plant Pathological Research held at CSK HPKV Palampur on 24th -25th November 2011
  • Lakhmir Singh, VipinHallan and A. A. Zaidi. Homotypic interactions of Chrysanthemum virus B coat protein: implications for capsid aassembly. In National Symposium on Strategic Issues in Plant Pathological Research held at CSK HPKV Palampur on 24th -25th November 2011
  • Surender Kumar, Lakhmir Singh, Raja Ram, VipinHallan and A. A. Zaidi. Disease incidence of major viral and sub viral pathogens in apple growing areas of Himachal Pradesh. In National Symposium on Strategic Issues in Plant Pathological Research held at CSK HPKV Palampur on 24th -25th November 2011
  • Lakhmir Singh, Vipin Hallan, Raja Ram and A. A. Zaidi. Genomic sequence analysis of four new Chrysanthemum virus B isolates: evidence of RNA recombination. VIROCON-2011, XX National Conference on “Managing Emerging and Re-emerging Plant, Animal, Human and Aquatic Viral Diseases: One Health Perspective” by Indian Virological Society held at National Research Centre on Equines, Hisar on 29-31 December, 2011.
  • Reenu Kumari, Pooja Bhardwaj, Lakhmir Singh, VipinHallan and A. A. Zaidi. Genome characterization of Cucucmber mosaic virus infecting cucumber and elucidating its movement. In VIROCON-2011, XX National Conference on “Managing Emerging and Re-emerging Plant, Animal, Human and Aquatic Viral Diseases: One Health Perspective” by Indian Virological Society held at National Research Centre on Equines, Hisar on 29-31 December, 2011.