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Dr. Lakhmir Singh
  • Kumari, R., Kumar, S., Singh, L. and Hallan, V. (2016) Movement protein of Cucumber Mosaic Virus associates with apoplastic Ascorbate Oxidase. PLoS ONE 11(9) e0163320. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0163320
  • Sharma, S., Singh, L.,  Roshan, P., Kulshreshtha, A., Singh, N. and Hallan, V. (2015) Complete Nucleotide Sequence of Ageratum enation virus and an Alphasatellite Infecting a New Host Glycine max in India. J. Phytopath. Doi:10.1111/jph.12434
  • Singh, L., Hallan, V., Martin, D. P., Ram, R. and Zaidi, A.A. (2012) Genomic sequence analysis of four new Chrysanthemum virus B isolates: evidence of RNA recombination. Archives of Virology 157:531-537.
  • Singh, L., Hallan, V., Raja Ram and Zaidi, A.A. (2011) Expression of recombinant Chrysanthemum virus B coat protein for raising polyclonal antisera. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 20(1):96-101.
  • Singh, L., Hallan, V., Jabeen, N., Singh, A. K., Ram, R. and Zaidi, A. A. (2007). Coat protein gene diversity among Chrysanthemum virus B isolates from IndiaArchives of Virology152:405-413.
  • Singh, L.,Hallan, V. and Zaidi, A.A. (2011) Intermolecular Interactions of Chrysanthemum virus B Coat Protein: Implications for Capsid Assembly. Indian J. Virol. 22(2):111-116.
  • Girshengorn, M., Zaltsman, A., Singh, L., Levy, Y., and Gafni, Y. (2012). siRNA targeted against TYLCV V2 protein transcripts leads to inhibition of its activity as a suppressor of RNA silencing. Current Topics in Virology 10:31-38.
  • Kumari, R., Bhardwaj, P., Singh, L., Zaidi, A. A., Hallan, V. (2013). Biological and Molecular characterization of Cucumber mosaic virus Subgroup II Isolate causing severe mosaic in Cucumber. Indian J. Virol. 24(1):27-34.
  • Kumar, S., Singh, L., Ferretti, L., Barba, M., Zaidi, A.A., Hallan, V. (2013). First report of Grapevine leafroll associated virus-1, Grapevine fleck virus and Grapevine virus B from Himachal Pradesh (India). Indian J. Virol. 24(1):66-69.
  • Kumar, S., Singh, L., Hallan, Ram, R., and V., Zaidi, A. A. (2013) Simultaneous detection of major pome fruit viruses and viroid. Indian J. Microbial. 54(2):203-210
  • Verma, N., Singh, L., Singh, A. K., Kulshrestha, S., Raikhy, G., Hallan, V.,Ram, R. and Zaidi, A. A. (2005). Ornithogalum: a new host of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) from India. Plant Pathology54: 256.
  • Verma, N., Singh, A. K., Singh, L., Raikhy, G., Kulshrestha, S., Singh, M. K., Hallan, V., Ram, R. and Zaidi, A. A. (2005). Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) infecting Alstroemeria hybridus in India. Australasian Journal of Plant Pathology 34:119-120.
  • Verma, N., Singh, A. K., Singh, L., Kulshrestha, S., Raikhy, G., Hallan, V., Ram, R. and Zaidi, A. A. (2004). Occurrence of Cucumber mosaic virus in Gerbera jamesonii from India. Plant Disease 88(10): 1161.
  • Verma, N., Mehra, A., Singh, L.,Hallan, V.,  Singh, A. K., Jabeen, N., Singh, M. K.,  Ram, R. and Zaidi, A. A. (2007) Screening for viruses infecting chrysanthemum cultivars in India. Scientia Horticulture 111: 260-265.
  • Ram, R., Verma, N., Singh, A. K., Singh, L.,Hallan, V. and Zaidi, A. A. (2005). Indexing and production of virus-free chrysanthemums. Biologia Plantarum 49:149-152.
  • Sharma, A., Mahinghara, B. K., Singh, A. K., Kulshrestha, S., Raikhy, G., Singh, L.,Verma, N., Hallan, V., Ram, R. and Zaidi, A. A. (2005). Identification, detection and frequency of lily viruses in northern India. Scientia Horticulturae 106(2):213-227.
  • Noorani,M. S., Awasthi, P., Sukapaka, M., Singh, L., Ram, R.,  Sharma, M. P.,. Zaidi, A. A. & Vipin Hallan (2015)  Immunodiagnostics for Cherry virus A and Cherry necrotic rusty mottle virus  Journal Plant Biochemistry & Biotechnology  24, 93–104.
  • Devi, S., Pathania, A., Kumari, R. and Singh, L. (2022) Biochemical changes in leaves of resistant and susceptible urdbean genotypes infected with urdbean leaf crinkle virus (ulcv). Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 23(31&32):42-55.
  • Singh, L., Glick, E., Levy, Y. and Gafni, Y. Expression kinetics of the Tomato yellow leaf curl virus-Isr Intergenic promoters in planta. Current Topics in Virology (In press)