Department of Chemistry Course Outcomes (COs)

Course Outcomes for B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry and M.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry

 Programme: B.Sc (Hons.) Chemistry

 CHE111A                                                                    Course name: Inorganic Chemistry -I

At the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Utilize the knowledge in quantum mechanics.
  • Understand and Utilize the knowledge of the periodic table and periodic properties
  • Understand the concept of theories of covalent bonds Perceive the importance of structures and geometries of molecules using Radius Ratio Rules, VSEPR and MO theory
  • Understand the concept of lattice energy using Born-Landé and Kapustinskii expression, rationalize the conductivity of metals, semiconductors and insulators based on the Band theory, understand the importance and application of chemical bonds, weak chemical forces and their effects.


CHE112A                                                      Course name: Inorganic Chemistry Lab-I

  • The course will help them to understand the difference between qualitative and quantitative analysis.
  • They will use titration as a skill for quantitative analysis.
  • Students will perform the test for qualitative estimation of various acid and basic radicals.


CHE113A                                                                      Course Name: Physical Chemistry-I



The learners will be able to differentiate different States of Matter on the basis of their properties.


The learners will be able to understand the utility of the matter taught.


Students will be able to apply the concept practically


The learners will be able to solve numerical problems based on the driven formulas.


The learners will be able to think analytically and relate the learned concepts with their surroundings



CHE114A                                                      Course Name: Physical Chemistry Lab-I



The learners will be able to measure the physical properties of liquids.


The learners will be able to analyse the behaviour of different liquids.


The learners will be able to identify the gap between theoretical and experimentation.


The learners will be able to think analytically and relate the learned concepts with their surroundings


CHE115A                                                                        Course Name: Organic Chemistry-I


  • To Understand the nature of bonding and basic concepts of electron movement in small organic molecules.
  • To learn and formulate the free radical substitution and electrophilic addition reaction mechanisms.
  • To understand the physical and chemical properties of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes.
  • To understand the fundamental concepts of stereochemistry and apply it to different organic compounds.
  • To know the properties of aromatic compounds and their electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions.


CHE116A                                                       Course Name: Organic Chemistry Lab-I

  • To Understand the importance of thermometer calibration and determine the melting or boiling points to check the purity of compounds.
  • To understand basic concept of purification of organic compounds through distillation, steam distillation and crystallization.
  • To apply the concept of decolourization of organic compounds using charcoal
  • Extraction of caffeine from tea leaves.


CHE117A                                                                     Course Name: Physical Chemistry-II


To use defined thermodynamic terminology.


To Explain fundamental thermodynamic properties and chemical equilibrium


To describe the factors that favour the various thermodynamic processes


To Define and perform calculations for common concentration units molarity, molality and discuss the concepts of 4 colligative properties


To think analytically and relate the learned concepts with their surroundings



CHE118A                                                       Course Name: Physical Chemistry Lab-II



The learners will be able to measure the thermodynamic properties of substance.


The learners will be able to analyse the behaviour of different types of heat flow


The learners will be able to understand the applications of Thermodynamics in basic sciences for deriving equations.


The learners will be able to think analytically and relate the learned concepts with their surroundings


CHE211A                                                                  Course name: Inorganic Chemistry-II

At the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Learn the fundamental principles of metallurgy and understand the techniques for mineral processing. understand techniques for the extraction of metals from metallic ores. Apply thermodynamic concepts like that of Gibbs energy and entropy to the principles of extraction of metals.
  • Understand various models of Acid-base theories, the relative strength of acids and bases. Types of acid-base reactions and leveling solvents. Hard and Soft Acids and Bases (HSAB) and its application.
  • Understand the chemistry and applications of s- and p-block elements. Understand the periodicity in atomic and ionic radii, electronegativity, ionization energy, electron affinity of elements of the periodic table. Understand oxidation states concerning elements in unusual and rare oxidation states.
  • To identify the location of the noble gases on the periodic table, describe the physical properties of the noble gas elements, outline the trends in properties of the noble gases, recognize that some compounds of the noble gases have been made, describe the sources and uses of the noble gases.


CHE212A                                                      Course name: Inorganic Chemistry Lab-II

  • The course will turn the students into skilled hands where they can contribute in various ways, either by pursuing their career in industry as a chemist or fulfilling their goals in academia by executing research projects.
  • They will use titration as a skill for quantitative analysis.
  • The course will help them to understand the synthetic routes/methodologies to synthesize inorganic compounds.
  • The course will teach them iodometry an analytical tool for quantitative estimation of various species.


CHE213A                                                                      Course Name: Organic Chemistry-II

  • To understand the reactivity/stereochemistry of nucleophilic substitution reaction and elimination reactions of alkyl halides.
  • To learn different types of mechanism of aromatic nucleophilic substitution reaction.
  • To understand the physical and chemical properties of alcohols, phenols and ethers.
  • To understand the chemistry of nucleophilic addition reactions.
  • To learn the chemistry of enol/enolate ions and chemical reactions of active methylene compounds.
  • To know the physical properties of carboxylic acid and its derivatives and understand their reactivity towards nucleophilic substitution reactions.


CHE214A                                                       Course Name: Organic Chemistry Lab-II

  • To develop the basic instinct of analytical skills in organic qualitative analysis.
  • To analyse and characterise simple organic functional groups.
  • To understand and develop the talent in young minds of organic Synthesis.
  • To know the conventional- and green- methodologies of organic preparation.


CHE 215 A                                                                Course Name: Physical Chemistry-III



The learners will be able to understand the concept of reaction rates and be able to explain how reactions occur at molecular level


The learners will be able to use Arrhenius equation, to calculate rate constant, Activation energy.  


The learners will be able Identify and understand the principles of chemical equilibrium thermodynamics to solve multiphase equilibria and chemical reaction equilibria


Learner will be able to derive the various thermodynamic equations.


To think analytically and relate the learned concepts with their surroundings



CHE 216 A                                                    Course Name: Physical Chemistry Lab-III



The learners will acquire the practical knowledge of different mechanisms of kinetics


The learners will be able to draw phase diagrams on the basis of their observations


The learners will be able to identify the difference between various types of surface reactions


Learner will be able to verify the different laws related with the taught phenomenon.


CHE217A                                                                   Course name: Inorganic Chemistry-II

  • The course will make students learn some of the advanced topics in inorganic chemistry which includes the general properties of various elements of d and f block elements of periodic table, coordination compounds and role of metals in biology under bioinorganic chemistry.
  • Understand properties of d block elements and reveal their physical and chemical properties specifically with relevance to their color and oxidation states.
  • highlights the f block elements and how these elements which are known as inner transition elements differ from transition elements
  • Will make students understand the chemistry of coordination compounds, their chemistry and behaviour. The metals undergo formation of coordination compounds with various ligands and learning chemistry of these compounds is of utmost importance.
  • Will teach them the roles of metals in biology especially bioorganic complexes like hemoglobin and myoglobin. In addition it includes application of metals in medicines.


CHE218A                                                           Course name: Inorganic Chemistry Lab-III

  • The course will turn the students into skilled hands where they can contribute in various ways, either by pursuing their career in industry as a chemist or fulfilling their goals in academia by executing research projects
  • The course will help them to understand the synthetic routes/methodologies to synthesize inorganic compounds.
  • The course will teach them gravimetric analysis an analytical tool for quantitative estimation of various analytes
  • The course will teach them gravimetric analysis an analytical tool for quantitative estimation of various analytes.
  • The course is intended to introduce chromatography as separation technique for separating metal ions


CHE219A                                                                     Course Name: Organic Chemistry-III

  • To study the physical and chemical properties of N-atom containing small organic compounds.
  • To understand the nomenclature of heterocyclic compounds and their physical properties.
  • To learn the synthesis of various heterocyclic molecules and its reactions.
  • To study the aromaticity, preparation and chemical reactions of polynuclear hydrocarbons.
  • To understand the chemistry of terpenes and alkaloids.



CHE220A                                                       Course Name: Organic Chemistry Lab-III

  • To determine the extra element in organic compounds.
  • To analyse and characterize the N-atom containing functional groups.
  • To enable the students towards qualitative analysis of unknown organic compounds containing functional group.


CHE221A                                                                   Course Name: Physical Chemistry-IV



To Understand the concepts of conductance and its applications


To understands the principles of electrochemistry


Analyse the cell reactions and EMF of the cell


To familiarize the students with electrical & magnetic Properties of atoms and molecules




CHE222A                                                       Course Name: Physical Chemistry Lab-IV



To understand the principles of Conductometry


To understand the principles of Potentiometry


CHE 272A                                          Course Name: Chemical Technology and Society

On completion of this course, students will be able to


Gain knowledge about the basic principles of separation techniques like distillation, extraction and adsorption


Get an understanding regarding different equipment used in industry such as mills, pumps, emulgators along with introduction to clean technology


Explore issues related to society and technology from chemical perspective


Understand about water, air and different materials like plastics and polymers with view point of energy


CHE 273                                                             Course Name: Intellectual Property Rights

On completion of this course, students will be able to


Get necessary knowledge concerning the fundamentals in the basic areas of intellectual property rights


Have overviews of patents, copy rights, trademarks and designs for their innovative research works


Understand geographical Indication (GI), Plant Variety and Layout Design Protection and their registration aspects


Also aware the students about current trends in IPR and Govt. steps in fostering IPR.


CHE311A                                                                     Course Name: Organic Chemistry-IV

  • To understand the structure and properties of nucleic acids and gain insight into concepts of heredity through the study of replication, transcription and translation.
  • To know the structure, properties and synthesis of amino acids and peptides.
  • To learn the metabolic pathways, their inter-relationship and energy production from biochemical processes.
  • To study the different classes of drugs, their synthesis and applications.


CHE312A                                                       Course Name: Organic Chemistry Lab-IV

  • To determine the basic parameter of oil and fats such as acid value, iodine value and saponification value.
  • To understand the effect of salivary amylase on starch at different temperature.
  • To study the titration curve of glycine
  • To isolate and characterise DNA and estimation of glycine and proteins

 CHE313A                                                                     Course Name: Physical Chemistry-V


  • Students are expected to get a very good understanding of the basics of quantum chemistry
  • To solve mathematical function and wave functions
  • To understand the concept of spectroscopy and its applications in analysis
  • To understand the concept of photochemistry and its use in various chemical and physical processes.


CHE314A                                                                  Course Name: Physical Chemistry-V



To understand the principles UV/Visible spectroscopy


To enable the students to develop analytical skills.


To develop skill in setting up an experimental method to determine the physical properties.


CHE315A                                                       Course Name: Inorganic Chemistry-IV

At the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Understand symmetry operations and symmetry elements of the small molecules. Understand crystal field and molecular orbital theories, their terms and concepts. How
    CFSE affects thermodynamic properties and explanation of various properties of metal complexes.
  • Understand the nature of Zeise’s salt and compare its synergic effect with that of carbonyls. Identify important structural features of the metal alkyls and explain the concept of multicenter bonding in these compounds. Get a general idea of catalysis and describe in detail the mechanism of Wilkinson’s catalyst, Zeigler- Natta catalyst and synthetic gasoline manufactured by Fischer-Tropsch process.
  • Apply 18-electron rule to rationalize the stability of metal carbonyls and related species. General methods of preparation of mono and binuclear carbonyls. Structures and bonding in metal carbonyls.
  • Understand inorganic reaction mechanisms. Mechanism of nucleophilic substitution in square planar complexes, Thermodynamic and Kinetic stability, Mechanism of substitution in octahedral complexes.


CHE316A                                                            Course Name Inorganic Chemistry Lab-IV

At the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Understand and explain the basic principles of qualitative inorganic analysis.
  • Understand the concept of synthesis of metal complexes and study their properties.
  • Understand the characterization of synthesized metal complexes.



CHE317A                                                                      Course Name: Organic Chemistry-V

  • To understand the basic concept of UV-ViS, IR and NMR spectroscopy and their applications in structure elucidation of small organic molecules.
  • To understand the classification, structure and stereochemistry of monosaccharides and their interconversions.
  • To know the chemistry of disaccharides and polysaccharides.
  • To learn the basic chemistry of dyes their synthesis and applications.
  • To know the classification of polymer and understand the concept of molecular weight determination of macromolecules.
  • To understand the mechanism of polymerization reactions and preparation of different types of plastic and fiber.


CHE318A                                                       Course Name: Organic Chemistry Lab-V

  • The extraction of caffeine from tea leaves
  • Synthesis of polymer
  • Qualitative analysis of organic compounds containing mono-functional groups.
  • Identification the simple organic compounds using IR and NMR spectra
  • Preparation of methyl orange dye.



CHE371A                                          Course Name: Analytical Methods in Chemistry

On completion of this course, students will be able to


Understand qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis


Learn various quantitative methods of analysis like volumetric and gravimetric methods


Comprehend basic principles and applications of AAS and AES in heavy metal detection


Understand the XRD and TGA as important analytical techniques


Obtain reliable and reproducible data from the understanding of various electro analytical techniques


CHE372A                                          Course Name: Analytical Methods in Chemistry Lab

On completion of this course, students will be able to


Relate the theoretical separation techniques and practical concepts of paper chromatography


Separate mixtures of heavy metals and dyes using TLC


Calculate pH of aerated drinks, fruit juices, shampoo, soaps etc.


Determine dissolved oxygen and hardness in water samples


Perform gravimetric analysis of different cations and anions to determine their concentration in solution


Perform Soil analysis to determine its pH, conductivity, bulk density and moisture content



CHE375A                                                                  Course Name: Polymer Chemistry

On completion of this course, students will be able to


Know the basics of polymeric materials, their functionalities and importance


Understand the kinetics and mechanism of copolymerization, degree of crystallinity and structure-property relationships


Determine the molecular weight and glass transition temperatures of polymers


Learn polymer solubility, Huggin’s theory, and physical, thermal, flow and mechanical properties of polymers


CHE376A                                                                  Course Name: Polymer Chemistry Lab

On completion of this course, students will be able to


Do synthesis of macromolecules by using various techniques of polymerization


Determine molecular weight and viscosity using viscometry


Analyze different types of polymers using various instrumental techniques


Study mechanical properties and applications of polymers


CHE 381A                                                                  Course Name: Green Chemistry

On completion of this course, students will be able to


Acquire a knowledge of introductory green chemistry to understand its importance


Understand the standard principles of green chemistry and designing chemical synthesis


Learn the examples of green reactions including microwave, solid state and ultrasonic assisted reaction


Acquainted with the future trends in green chemistry in sustainable development


CHE 382A                                                                    Course Name: Green Chemistry Lab

On completion of this course, students will be able to


Know basic use of safer green materials for small scale reactions


Use renewable resources and avoid unwanted reaction products


Understand the role of enzymes for various catalytic reactions


Get knowledge on usage of alternative green solvents and alternate sources of energy for chemical reactions




CHE 385A                                          Course Name: Instrumental Methods of Analysis

On completion of this course, students will be able to


Gain knowledge about the basic principles of spectroscopy


Get familiar with principles, instrumentation techniques and applications of IR and Raman spectroscopy


Get knowledge related to UV-Visible spectroscopy and to identify the simple organic molecules on the basis of this technique


Understand the basic separation techniques i.e. Gas chromatography and liquid chromatography and their utilization


Know about instrumentation and applications of Mass Spectroscopy to identify the simple organic molecules


Understand the principles, instrumentation techniques and applications of NMR spectroscopy


CHE 386A                              Course Name: Instrumental Methods of Analysis Lab

On completion of this course, students will be able to


Comply with correct safety procedures during lab work


Determine structures of organic molecules using UV-Visible spectroscopy and IR spectroscopy


Perform quantitative analysis of mixtures using chromatographic techniques


Analyze reaction kinetics using UV-Visible spectroscopy






















Programme: M.Sc. (Hons) Chemistry


CHE501B                                                                   Course Name: Organic Chemistry-I

  • To understand the structure, stability and aromaticity of organic molecules.
  • To understand various mechanisms and theories of reactivity based on structure and role of intermediates in common reactions
  • To understand the mechanism and stereochemistry of nucleophilic and electrophilic substitution reaction at staurated carbon atom.
  • To understand the mechanism of aromatic electrophilic and nucleophilic substitution reactions.
  • To understand the methods of conformational analysis.
  • To understand the basic concepts of stereochemistry and its application.


CHE502B                                                                   Course Name: Inorganic Chemistry -I

  • The students will be able to understand the significance of symmetry in the molecules and metal complexes.
  • The students will learn how this symmetry plays a major role in various characteristics/properties of molecules and metal complexes.
  • The students will have an idea of how symmetry subsequently leads to various spectroscopic states and how these spectroscopic states lead to a particular type of spectra in spectroscopy under study.
  • The students will learn to bridge the spectroscopic states formed from the splitting of terms (energy state) to the symmetry of the octahedral and tetrahedral metal complexes.
  • Will lead to a deep understanding of inorganic chemistry as a whole as this unit co-relates all the theories they study in their graduation classes with group theory and symmetry.


CHE503B                                                                   Course Name: Physical Chemistry I


Course Outcomes:



The students will be able to understand the concepts related to various partial molar properties.



The students will acquire knowledge of the concepts related to real gases and various methodologies for measurement


The student will get knowledge about various laws related to solutions and interpretation of phase diagrams


The students will be familiar with different types of statistical thermodynamics and partition functions


The students will gain knowledge about  various laws, equations and phenomena, related to non-equilibrium thermodynamics



Course Code: CHE504C                                          Course Name: Analytical Chemistry

Course Outcomes:

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to


Express knowledge related to quantitative and qualitative analysis and critically analyze the scientific data, correct handling to reduce experimental errors and distinguishing between precision and accuracy


Gain an understanding of different electroanalytical methods and their applications


Learn about basics and advanced X-Ray techniques


Get the comprehensive overview of the most recent technological developments in analytical chemistry including chromatography and thermal analysis



CHE505B                                                       Course Name: Organic Chemistry Lab-I

CO1: To understand the various safety measures in Chemistry laboratories

CO2: To know the importance of caliberation of instruments.

CO3: To practice the synthesis of organic compounds.



CHE506B                                                       Course Name: Inorganic Chemistry Lab-I

Course Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, students will be able to

CO1.   Perform and understand oxidation-reduction reactions

CO2.   Carry out and understand precipitation titrations

CO3.   Determine different ions using complexometric titrations

CO4.   Determine different cations using gravimetric analysis



CHE507B                                                                   Course Name: Organic Chemistry-II

  • To understand the mechanistic and stereochemical aspects of addition reactions to Carbon-Carbon multiple bonds.
  • To understand the pathways of addition reaction to carbon-heteroatom multiple bonds.
  • To understand the various oxidative process of hydrocarbons and alcohols
  • To study the several reducing agents for various reductive process of aliphatic, aromatic and carbonyl compounds.
  • To analyse the role of free radicals as an intermediates in common reactions.
  • To understand the various rearrangement reactions in organic chemistry.


CHE508B                                                                   Course Name: Inorganic Chemistry -II

  • The students will become aware of the various inorganic compounds categorized according to their shapes like chains, rings, or cages. Which are the elements which make such compounds and their physical and chemical nature?
  • The students will learn about cluster compounds that involve metal-metal interactions. It includes different structural types; bonds, the relation of clusters to multiple bonds and one-dimensional solids.
  • This course is also about the applications of transition metal complexes as catalysts. This includes their classification, mechanisms and various reactions involved and the stereochemistry of the products formed
  • This course introduces nuclear reactions: fusion and fission, radio-analytical techniques and activation analysis and radiation chemistry of Inorganic Solids.



CHE509B                                                                   Course Name: Physical Chemistry- II


Course Outcomes:




The students will gain knowledge about the concepts related to various laws, theories, models and methods of chemical kinetics.



The students will acquire knowledge of the basic concepts of electrochemistry such as Debye-Hückel theory, limiting law, Debye-Huckel-Onsager (D-H-O) theory, various effects, ionic strength and mean ionic activity coefficients



The students will be familiar with various adsorption isotherms, catalysis, studies and catalysed reaction of surfaces



The student will get knowledge of colloidal particles, theories of double layers, micelles and reverse micelles



The students will be able to understand the concepts related to kinetics, mechanism and types of polymerization, various methods for determining molecular mass of macromolecules




Course Code: CHE510B                                                      Course Name: Spectroscopy-I

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students will be able to



Become proficient in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy understanding the concepts of chemical shift, spin-spin coupling and applications to organic molecules in structure determination


Understand the principle and applications of 13C NMR and 2D NMR


Learn about the principle of mass spectrometry and its applications


Become competent in understanding the principle and applications of UV-Visible spectroscopy and further Woodward Fisher rule for determination of λmax of organic compounds


Interpret the spectroscopic data for structure determination of unknown organic compounds


CHE511B                                                       Course Name: Organic Chemistry Lab-II

CO1: To prepare the various organic compounds by multistage methods.

CO2: To know the separations of compounds and their identification.

CO3: To check the purity of compounds by melting point determination.


CHE 512B                                                      Course Name: Physical Chemistry Lab -I


Course Outcomes:




The students will gain an understanding of the preparation for each experiment by studying lab handouts and links therein



The students will understand about safety requirements and lab skills to perform physico-chemical experiments



The students will learn how to keep records of instruments, parameters, and experimental observations



The course will turn the students into skilled hands where they can contribute in various ways, either by pursuing their career in industry as a chemist or fulfilling their goals in academia by executing research projects




CHE601B                               Course Name: Organic Chemistry-III (Pericyclic Reactions and Photochemistry)

  • To understand the basic principle of pericyclic reaction and its types.
  • To understand the feasibility of different types of pericyclic reaction under photochemical and thermal conditions.
  • To understand the photochemistry of alkene, aromatic and carbonyl compounds
  • To apply the photochemical reactions in various organic molecules.


CHE602B                                                       Course Name: Inorganic Chemistry -III


Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): At the end of this course, learners will be able to:


  • In-depth knowledge on the advancement of organometallic compounds and their applications and to know how chemical properties are affected by metals and ligands.
  • be able to use knowledge about structure and bonding issues to understand the stability and reactivity of multiple-bonded organometallic complexes
  • Understanding and conceptualization of theory and applications of the reaction mechanisms and how to combine these to understand efficient catalytic processes. To know important applications of organometallic homogeneous catalysis in the production of chemicals.
  • To understand bioorganometallic Chemistry: fundamental concepts and mechanisms of organometallic poisoning, organometallic compound based medicine etc.


Course Code: CHE603B                              Course Name:            Physical Chemistry III                                

Course Outcomes



Learn about need of quantum mechanics and understand the quantum chemistry with its importance in science


Understanding of quantum mechanical operators and mathematical function


To solve the wave function Ψ of different systems and quantum mechanical treatment of chemical bonding


Utilization of approximation methods


To understand the concept and importance of nanomaterials


To understand nuclear chemistry, its applications and uses of radioactive isotopes


To understand the concept of photochemistry and its use in various chemical and physical processes.



Course Code: CHE604B                                                      Course Name: Spectroscopy-II

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students will be able to


Understand the basic concepts and applications of rotational spectroscopy


Learn the theory and applications of Infrared spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy


Gain an understanding of fundamentals of NQR and Mossbauer spectroscopy along with its applications to inorganic compounds


Acquire knowledge of ESR or EPR for investigation of paramagnetic species


Grasp the relative energies of electrons in atoms and molecules with the help of photoelectron spectroscopy


CHE606B                                                       Course Name: Inorganic Chemistry Lab -II

  • The course will turn the students into skilled hands where they can contribute in various ways, either by pursuing their career in the industry as a chemist or fulfilling their goals in academia by executing research projects.\
  • The course will help them to understand the synthetic routes/methodologies to synthesize inorganic compounds.
  • The course will teach them the different spectroscopic methods to characterize synthesized inorganic compounds.

CHE 607B                                                      Course Name: Physical Chemistry Lab -II

Course Outcomes:




The students will gain an understanding of the preparation for each experiment by studying lab handouts and links therein



The students will understand about safety requirements and lab skills to perform physico-chemical experiments


The students will learn how to keep records of instruments, parameters, and experimental observations


The course will turn the students into skilled hands where they can contribute in various ways, either by pursuing their career in industry as a chemist or fulfilling their goals in academia by executing research projects



CHE608B                                           Course Name: Seminar and Literature Survey

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students will be able to


Get an overview of current knowledge in the relevant topic


Identify relevant theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research


Give seminars to improve their communication skills


Engage in the discussion for the aim of gaining a better insight into the subject


CHE609B                                           Course Name: Organic Chemistry-IV (Chemistry of Natural Products)

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students will be able to

  • To understand the structure, stereochemistry and synthesis of the some terpenoids and carotenoids
  • To understand the structure elucidation and synthesis of alkaloids such as Hygrine, Nicotine, Ephedrine, (+)- Conine, Atropine, Quinine and Morphine.
  • To study the classification, properties and synthesis amino acids, peptides and proteins.
  • To undertsand the stereochemistry and structure determination of steroids
  • To study the synthesis and biological importance of Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin K, Haemoglobin and chlorophyll (Porphyrins); PGE2 and PGF 2 (Prostaglandins).

CHE610B                                                       Course Name: Bio-Inorganic Chemistry


Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students will be able to


  • know the function of metalloporphyrins of hemoglobin in oxygen binding by metal ions. know the structure and function of metalloenzymes and metalloproteins.
  • understand the role of metal ions in photosynthesis, cobalamine B12 and the basic functions of living organisms. know how trace elements are involved in the basic functions of the body. recognize the applications of metal biomolecules in growth.
  • Basic understanding of the role of Inorganic Elements (metal, semimetal, nonmetal) in biological systems, understanding how metal ions interact with biological environments and how this interaction influences the properties of metal centers
  • evaluate the applications of metal biomolecules as metallotherapeutic agents. know metal biomolecule’s applications as photoactive drugs. evaluate applications of metal biomolecules as diagnostic agents. know the applications of metal molecules in toxicology.


CHE  611B                                                                 Course Name: Biophysical Chemistry

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students will be able to



Developing of general understanding of how physical laws govern biological processes and understand the fundamental of biological macromolecules. Developing an understanding of the relation between structure, function, and dynamics of biological macromolecules.



To provide basic knowledge about the forces involved in biopolymer interactions, electrostatic charges and molecular expansion, hydrophobic forces, dispersion force interactions, Hydrogen ion titration curves.



Acquire basic knowledge about the thermodynamics of biopolymer solution, cell membrane and transport of ions.



To make the students understand the different method for determining the molecular mass of the bio polymer and their optical properties.



Developing an understanding of different methods for the separation of biomolecules (Chromatography; Sedimentation, Moving Boundary Sedimentation, Zonal Sedimentation, Electrophoresis, Isoelectric focusing, Capillary electrophoresis, MALDI-TOF).



CHE612B                                                                                           Course Name: Project

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students will be able to


Showcase their scientific learning


Utilize research based learning approach as it is most effective when learners put theory into practice


Learn the principles of various analytical techniques and their applications



Participate in collaborative learning, strengthen their bonds with teachers and to improve their critical thinking skills



CHE613B                                                       Course Name: Supramolecular Chemistry


Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): At the end of this course, learners will be able to:


  • To understand the fundamental basis of intermolecular interactions and illustrate how these can be exploited to form diverse supramolecular assemblies ranging from small molecules, soft gels and hard extended inorganic solids.
  • To understand non-covalent interactions, molecular recognition and self-assembly and how these can be exploited to prepare functional molecules and materials for a wide range of applications.
  • To understand the role of supramolecular chemistry in our daily life and Pharmaceutical Industry, chemical biology, materials science and nanotechnology.
  • Have an appreciation of the significance and application of supramolecular chemistry, including in materials chemistry biological systems, pharmaceutical products and the controlled construction of nanoscale entities.


CHE614B                                                       Course Name: Molecules of Life

  • Classification and structural properties of carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids
  • Detailed study on mechanical and kinetic property of enzyme including various modes of kinetics
  • Biological importance of triglycerides and cholesterol.
  • An advanced understanding of core principles and topics of metabolic processes and their biological reactions


CHE617B                                                       Course Name: Synthetic Organic Chemistry

  • To understand the retro-synthesis of aromatic, alicyclic and aliphatic compounds and synthons & umpolung synthesis 
  • To understand the role of protecting groups in organic synthesis.
  • To undertsnad the reaction conditions, product formation and mechanism of rearrangement reactions
  • To study and analyze the fundamentals of bond disconnections and evaluate synthetic routes to target molecules using retrosynthesis.
  • To study the ring formation reactions, ring opening & closing, metathesis, 1,3 dipolar cycloaddition reaction .
  • To understand the synthesis of the some natural products using disconnection approach




CHE 620B                                                       Couse Name: Advance Chemistry Lab-I


Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students will be able to





The students will gain an understanding of the preparation for each experiment by studying lab handouts and links therein



The student will get knowledge about common laboratory techniques including UV-Visible spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy ,Thermogravimetric analysis, powder X-ray studies and scanning electron microscopy


The students will learn how to keep records of instruments, parameters, and experimental observations


The course will turn the students into skilled hands where they can contribute in various ways, either by pursuing their career in industry as a chemist or fulfilling their goals in academia by executing research projects



CHE 621B                                                      Couse Name: Advance Chemistry Lab-II


Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students will be able to





The students will gain an understanding of the preparation for each experiment by studying lab handouts and links therein



The student will get knowledge crystallization, structure elucidation of organic compounds by various techniques.


The students will learn how to keep records of instruments, parameters, and experimental observations


The course will turn the students into skilled hands where they can contribute in various ways, either by pursuing their career in industry as a chemist or fulfilling their goals in academia by executing research projects



