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Department of Zoology
Dr. Tejinder Kaur
M.Sc., PhD
Assistant Professor and Coordinator
Teaching Experience-10+Years, Research Experience- 17+years
Projects: 1.) Setting up of Science technology and innovation led SC cluster at Jalandhar 2.) Indian Beliefs Analysis in context of Vedic and Modern science
Membership: Indian National Science Congress Association, Indian Society of Entomology, Indian Botanical Society
Awards: Young Scientist Medal by National Congress of Parasitology
Research Guidance: Guided 22 MSc dissertations and currently guiding 4 PhD scholars
Specialization: Parasitology, Immunology
Brief Proifle

Dr. Tejinder Kaur joined Department of Zoology, DAV University, Jalandhar on 21.08.2013 as Assistant Professor and Coordinator, Department of Zoology. She was awarded PhD degree in 2011 from Department of Zoology, Panjab University, Chandigarh. She joined as Research Associate in the same Department and worked in an ICMR project till August 2012. She has also worked as Resource Person in Post Graduate Government College for Girls, sec-42, Chandigarh from Sep 2012-April 2013. She has 20+ publications in national and international journals. Her research area includes Immunoprophylaxis, Chemotherapy, Immunochemotherapy and Immunodiagnostics of Leishmania donovani, developmental genetics of Drosophila and Tribolium and Antimicrobial resistance

Professional Activities