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Tender for Purchase of Equipment for setup of Common Lab

Tender Notice : Common Lab Equipments  Click Here

Specification of the Equipments

1. Complete Gel Documentation System Click Here

2. Deep Freezer (-80 degree C) Click Here

3. Real Time PCR Machine Click Here

4. Ice Flakes Maker with Compatible Power backup and Compatible voltage stabilizer Click Here

5. Nano spectrophotometer Click Here

6. Freeze Dryer Lyophilizer Click Here

7. Incubator Shaker Click Here

8. Refrigerated Macro Centrifuge Click Here

9. Ultra-Pure water 18.2 mega ohm resistivity to be supplied with consumables Click Here

10. Biosfatey cabinet (at least 4 feet width platform) Click Here

11. Digital PH Meter Click Here

12. Autoclave 90-100 Ltr Capacity Click Here

13. Vertical Gel electrophoresis unit (Midi, Mini) Click Here

14. Horizontal gel electrophoresis units with power packs (Maxi, Midi and Mini) Click Here

15. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (double beam) Click Here

16. Ultrasonicator (Hand held and table top) Click Here

17. Tissue homogenizer Click Here

18. Precision Circulating water bath with cooling (5 Liter) Click Here

19. Raman Spectrometer Click Here

20. Source Measurement unit (SMU) Click Here

