Reappear / Improvement Registration for Term 2425D - Notice Click Here >>
Advt. for the Post of Associate Professor in Various Subjects Advertisement >> Application Form >>
Fee Notice Even Sem 24-25 (Even Semester 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th & 10th) Click Here >>
Hostel Fee Notice 24-25 Even Sem Click Here >>
Tender for Hostel Mess, Canteen, Kiosks, books & Stationery Shop, Security, Housekeeping and Mali, Allied Services (Drivers, Conductors-cum-Peon) and Transport Services

1. Tender Notice_Various Services  Click Here

2. Checklist for Tender  Click Here

3. Application-Form for Hostel Mess, Canteen, Kiosks, Ge  Click Here

4. Application-Form for Security, Housekeeping, Allied S  Click Here

5. Annexure-A  Click Here

6. Annexure B  Click Here

7. Girls Hostel North Mess 1  Click Here

8. Girls Hostel North Mess 2  Click Here

9. Girls Hostel South Mess  Click Here

10. Girls Hostel Sarmastpur Mess  Click Here

11. Boys Hostel Campus Mess  Click Here

12. Boys LR Hostel Mess  Click Here

13. Canteen  Click Here

14. Kiosks 1-8  Click Here

15. Books and Stationery Shop  Click Here

16. Security Service - In Campus & Out Campus  Click Here

17. Housekeeping Service & Mali  Click Here

18. Allied Services Drivers, Bus Conductors-cum-Peons  Click Here

19. Transport (Bus Service Provider)  Click Here

20. Mess Menu 2018-19  Click Here
