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Fee Notice Even Sem 24-25 (Even Semester 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th & 10th) Click Here >>
Hostel Fee Notice 24-25 Even Sem Click Here >>
Proposals are invited from Aptitude/Soft Skill Training Providers for the students pursuing B Tech and MBA.

Proposals are invited from Aptitude/Soft Skill Training Providers for the students pursuing B Tech and MBA.

The module of training must stretch to 100 hours (Approximate)

The proposals must be sent to with the following details on or before May 30, 3016:

  1. Brief about the Company/institute
  2. Brief about their owners with names, contact numbers, address and email ids
  3. Curriculum and Syllabus in detail with time required for each
  4. Number of guest lecture’s from corporate
  5. Placement support if any (mention in detail)
  6. Commercials involved(cost per student for the entire course and also the batch size)
  7. Extra services provided if any
  8. Requirements from DAV University
  9. Mention previous clients where similar programs have been delivered

Any other information that you feel is relevant can be put in the proposal as well.

Note: DAV University reserves full right to change any condition of bid/proposal or cancel bid/proposal at its own discretion.




