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President’s Message
Dear Elders, brothers & sisters, 
   Corona Virus seems to be spreading at a fast pace, with more than 3,00,000 confirmed cases in the world. Practically every nation has gone into a Lock-down state. I think that this the first time that the entire human race, regardless of religion, language, colour, or nationality, have declared war against its common enemy - Corona Virus.  
   Since time im-memorial, a human being which is just a small organism, using the power of his brain, tried to control and rule over all other forms of life. And in his struggle for power, he played havoc with Nature. This epidemic has proven to us that when faced with the wrath of Nature, a micro-organism, like Corona Virus, is sufficient to paralyse, maim, and strangulate the entire human race. Let this be lesson to us, though a very expensive one, that all humanity must live with Nature and not at the expense of it. We, the disciples of Maharishi Dayanand ji, understand that we have to live as per the teachings of the Vedas, respecting all forms of life, and maintaining the balance of Nature. Let us pray: 
“Oh Lord, the Creator & Protector,
Let the Celestial Shining region bestow peace upon us;
Let the mid-space (outer space) bestow peace;
Let there be peace on Earth; Let the waters be peaceful;
Let the medicines & medicinal plants be peace giving;
Let all Vegetation be peace giving;
Let the Sages & Intellectuals be peace loving;
Let all Divine Knowledge be peace giving;
Let there be peace in peacefulness; 
Let peace & harmony be bestowed upon me and all of us.”
   DAV, always ready to face the National calamities, declared all its 920 Institutions closed in 23 states of the country, till 31st March 2020 in an endeavour to break the Corona Virus growth chain. But also realising the responsibility of the future of its students, a system of “On-line Teaching” programmes have been started. The DAV Head Office has already started “Work from Home” concept. It will be our endeavour to keep the functioning as trouble free as possible. All this is achieved, and so quickly, because of the zeal & the efforts of the Office Bearers, Directors, R.O.s & A.R.O.s, Principals, teachers and the entire staff of DAV.  
   I appeal to all to take all preventive measures, and to please cooperate with the dictates of the Government, stay indoors, stay healthy and stay gainfully employed. Don’t be careless, be careful and yet remain care free. Pray and KEEP SMILING ! 
Yours, in prayer, 
Punam Suri
DAV College Managing Committee, 
and Arya Pradeshik Pratinidhi Sabha.