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Notice regarding Grant of Concession/Scholarship to Deserving Students



Grant of Concession/Scholarship to deserving students

(Means-cum-Merit & Merit-cum-Means)

           The University is to offer 20 scholarships of Rs.10,000/- each and  an adequate number of partial freeships in tuition fee to deserving students as per the following criteria:

(i)            Students who have secured 90% marks or above in +2 examination or qualifying examination for admission to BCA, BBA, B.Com, M.Com., M.B.A., B.Sc., M.Sc., B.Tech. & M. Tech. (for 1st year only),

(ii)          Students who top in first year of the University examination.  For availing such scholarships/partial freeships in subsequent years, a student should retain his position score minimum ‘A’ grade.

(iii)         Student of village Sarmastpur who has been permanent resident before 2011 and has scored at least 50% marks in the semester examination;

(iv)         Economically Weaker Section – whose family income from all sources is less than Rs.1.00  lac p.a.;

(v)          Student belonging to any of the following categories in sequential order:

(a)  Blind,  (b) Physically Challenged (as per Govt. of India norms);

(d) Single Girl Child; (d) Ward of Widow with percentage of 80% and above.

NOTE: 1. No relaxation of time shall be given for submitting the tuition fee irrespective of whether concession/scholarship is granted to a student or not.  Students will have to pay fine after the due date fixed by the University.

1.  Student has to maintain his/her attendance over 75% in each semester to remain eligible for scholarship for next session.

2.  If any information is found to be incorrect even at later stage, suitable action would be initiated in addition to withdrawal of scholarship.

Applications are invited from the deserving candidates on the proforma available on the University website along with supporting proof/document/s must reach byWednesday19th March, 2014 in the office of the Registrar, DAV University, Jalandhar.


10th March, 2014.

Proforma of Application

