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Committee to look into the caste-based discrimination complaints received from SC / ST / OBC students / teachers and non-teaching staff


Oct 1, 2020


This has reference to the Committee constituted on July 11, 2019 to look into the caste-based discrimination complaints received from SC / ST / OBC students / teachers and non-teaching staff.

It is, hereby, notified that Ms. Bindia, Asstt Prof, CBME is added as a member of the said Committee in place of Dr. Aarti, Asstt Prof, CSE (a relieved faculty member). The other members shall, however, remain the same. The new list of members is as follows:


  1. Dean Students’ Welfare  - Chairperson
  2. Ms. Bindia, Asstt Prof, CBME
  3. Mr. Rahul Hans, Asstt Prof, CSE
  4. Mr. Sanjeev Dhiman, Asstt Prof, CSE
  5. Mr. Gurdeep Singh, Asstt Prof, Mechanical Engg.