Dr. Yeshbeer Singh
Dr.Yeshbeer Singh Joined DAV organization in 1990 as TGT Physical Education, in 1996 promoted as PGT. In December 2001 he deputed as Manager Vedic Mohan Ashram, Bhupatwala, Haridwar. In 2008 DAV Public school was opened by the management and Dr.Yeshbeer Singh was appointed as Principal by the Management in the same school in the Haridwar. In sept 2013 he was deputed in DAV University to look after the sports and discipline, later on He was regularized on the post of Deputy Director Sports and Physical Education by the date of his joining in the university. In the year 2013, Dr.Yeshbeer Singh has taken the initiatives to open the Department of Physical Education, which was opened in 2014 with two courses i.e. BSc.in Health and Physical education and BPEd.In 2022 he was designated as associate professor cum Dy. Director Sports. Dr.Yeshbeer Singh had been director coaching JFI, Treasurer JFI, Executive member of JFI, secretary general of JA of U.K., and presently he is president of Judo Association of U.K.. Besides this he served as President Arya Yuva Samaj (UP and UK) for seven years. During his tenure he organized more than two hundred Yuva Charitra Nirmaan Shivir at various places and planted more than ten thousand trees. For this contribution he had been awarded with "Best Citizen Award. Dr.Yeshbeer Singh has also been awarded with "Dronacharya Samaan". Besides this he produced seven international Judo players and more than hundred national medalists during his coaching tenure since 1990 till now. One of the DAV University students, Ajay Maan of BSc.in Health and Physical education, has represented India in Asian Junior Judo Championship held at Hong Kong in 2015. And DAVU got overall third position in AIU Judo Championship 2015. Dr.Yeshbeer Singh is an international referee in Judo and officiated more than 100 of open National, All India inter university, Khelo-India and International tournaments in various capacities i.e. competition manager, tournament director and technical officials.He also organized number of national and international sports events in various capacities such as organizing secretary, organizing committee member and treasurer. He visited many countries in various capacities. Dr.Yeshbeer Singh is also a good academician and has published 7 books and more then 17 research papers in the field of physical education and sports.Four scholars completed their PhD under his supervision and five are doing their PhD.