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Physical Education and Sports
Dr.Roshan Lal
PhD (Physical Education) OPJS University Jaipur, Rajasthan,INDIA(2013-2016) ? Masters ( Physical Education) Kurukshetra University Haryana, INDIA (2004 -2006) ? Bachelor of Arts ( with sports) Kurukshetra University Haryana, INDIA(2001-2004) ? CertificateIII printing and graphic Melbourne AUSTRALIA(march 2009 October 2011) ? Certificate Course in Yoga. (Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga (Kurukshetra)
Assistant Professor
Brief Proifle

Dr.Roshan worked from October 2012 to till October 2016 as Assistant Professor and Lawn Tennis Coach in Department of Sports Science, WOLLO UNIVERSITY, Dessie Ministry of Higher Education, Ethiopia. (North Africa ).

From December 2017 to14/11/2019  he worked as senior lawn tennis coach and academy coordinator at Gymkhana Tennis Academy Kurukshetra.

From December 16,2020 to 30 / 01/2023 he worked as assistant professor in S.A Jain college. Govt.aided ) ambala city.

He worked as an assistant professor in the department of physical education kurukshetra University kurukshetra (23.1.2024).

He worked as an assistant professor in Dronacharya Degree College Kurukshetra.

Working as Assistant Professor in DAV University, Jalandhar.




Professional Activities