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Electrical Engineering
Dr Chetan Vasudeva
M.Tech, Ph D
Assistant Professor
Specialization: Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Linear Induction Motor, Permanent Magnet Generator, Finite Element Method, COMSOL Multiphysics
Brief Proifle

Dr. Chetan Vasudeva is presently the Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering. He acquired his Doctor of Philosophy from Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology (Deemed to be University). He has a total experience of 10 years. His field of research is linear electric machines using finite element method based simulation tools such as COMSOL Multiphysics. He has contributed 15 research publications in national/international journal/conferences. He has co-supervised 3 M.Tech. Dissertations. He has also attended three faculty development programmes conducted at various institutes of national repute.

Professional Activities