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Dr. Namrita Kalia
  • Kalia, N. & Bhardwaj, (2021).Contextual and task performance: role of employee engagement and organizational culture in hospitality industry. Vilakshan-XIMB Journal of Management., Emerald Publishing Limited, 8, (2),187-201.
  • Kalia, N., & Bhardwaj, B. (2019). Contextual and task performance: do demographic and organizational variables matter?. Rajagiri Management Journal. 13 (2), 30-42.
  • Kalia, N., & Verma, Y. S. (2017). Organizational culture and employee engagement: an interrelationship study in hospitality industry of Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Human Resource Management and Research (IJHRMR)7(3), 13-22.
  • Kalia, N., & Verma, Y. S. (2015). Employee engagement and job performance of employees: a study from hospitality industry in Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Research in Business Management3(11), 83-94.