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Dr. Balpreet Kaur
  • Kaur,B. and Sharma, R.R. (2022). Factors Enhancing Efficacy of B2C Sites in Online Virtual Environment: An Application of Conjoint Analysis, Vision: The Journal of Business Perspectives, Sage Publications, Scopus Indexed and Ranked C in Australian Business Deans Council, DOI: 10.1177/09722629221110039.



  • Kaur, B. and Sharma R.R. (2021). Measuring the Impact of Creative Viral Advertising Content on Hierarchy-of-Effects: An Application of Structural Equation Modeling, International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising Scopus Indexed and Ranked C in Australian Business Deans Council.  DOI: 10.1504/IJIMA.2021.10044785


  • Sharma, R. R. & Kaur, B. (2020). Email Viral Marketing: Modeling the Determinants of Creation of 'Viral Infection’. Management Decision, 58(1), 112-128. Emerald Insight Journal, Impact factor 4.9, Scopus Indexed and Ranked B in Australian Business Deans Council.


  • Kaur, B. & Sharma, R.R. (2019). Factors affecting behavioral intentions to use e-banking services: An extension of TAM in Indian Context. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, Indescience Publications (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 1504/IJBG.2019.10030639.


  • Kaur, B. & Sharma, R.R. (2018). Impact of Viral Advertising on Product Promotion: An Experimental Study. Indian Journal of Marketing (Scopus Indexed), 48(6), 57-68.


  • Sharma, R. R. & Kaur, B. (2018). Modeling the Elements and Effects of Global Viral Advertising Content-A Cross Cultural Framework. Vision: The Journal of Business Perspectives (Scopus Indexed), Sage Publications, 22(1),1-10.


  • Misra, S.K., Mehra, P. and Kaur, B. (2019). Factor influencing consumer choice of celebrity endorsement and their consequent effect on purchase decision. International Journal on Emerging Technologies (Scopus Indexed), 10(2), 392–397.








 Publications in UGC Approved or Referred Journals



  • Mehra, P. and Kaur, B. (2020). Patient's perceptions towards support services provided by private hospitals in India," Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 11(7), 1100-1105 (Refereed Peer-reviewed journal with Print ISSN: 0976-0245, Online ISSN: 0976-5506).


  • Mehra, P. and Kaur, B. (2020). Gesture Recognition: towards making future retail shopping experience stimulating. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Vol. 8(6), pp.2446-2449. (Refereed Peer-reviewed journal with ISSN 2277-3878)



  • Kaur, B. & Mehra, P. (2019). A Comparative Study on Effect of Television Advertisements on Rural vs. Urban Children and its Subsequent Effect on their Purchase Decisions. International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, Vol. IX, Issue II, pp. 1219-1227. (UGC Approved)



  • Kaur, B. and Mehra, P. (2018). Re-enforcing Customer Behaviour through the Power of Scent: A Study of Retail Store Environment. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Vol. 5(4), pp. 952-958. (UGC Approved).


  • Mehra, P. and Kaur, B. (2018). Organisational Tranquillity and its Effects on Employee Engagement” International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 5(4), 959-967. (UGC Approved)


  • Sharma, R. R. & Kaur, B. (2016). A Structural Equation Modeling Approach to Study the Determinants of Consumers' Attitude towards Viral Marketing - An Empirical Study. Envision-International Journal of Commerce and Management, 10, 14-19. UGC –Sr. No.62481



  • Sharma, R. R. & Kaur, B. (2014). Modeling the Affect of Usability of Virtual Opinion Platforms on Customer Satisfaction and Spreading the Positive Word-of-Mouth- An Empirical Study. The Indian Journal of Commerce, 67(3), 104-113. (UGC Approved).


  • Kaur, B. and Sharma, R. R. (2013). Modeling the Antecedents and Outcomes of Viral Marketing Video. Business Analyst, A Refereed Journal of Shri Ram College of Commerce, New Delhi, 34(2), 167-179. (UGC Approved and Refereed Journal)


  • Sharma, R. R. & Kaur, B. (2013). An Empirical Investigation of Effectiveness of Viral   Video Advertisements," Business Analyst, A Refereed Journal of Shri Ram College of Commerce, New Delhi, 34(1), 35-50. (UGC Approved and Refereed Journal)



  • Sharma, R. R. & Kaur, B. (2013). Modeling the Effects of Electronic Word-of-Mouth Communication on Product Purchase Decisions: An Empirical Investigation", GNA Journal of Management and Technology, VIII (2), 49-54. ISSN-0974-5726 (Refereed Journal)


  • Kaur, B., Kumar, S. and Sharma, R. R. (2012). Job Satisfaction of University Teachers in relation with Motivation. International Journal of Science & Emerging Technology With Latest Trends,.1, 52-69, ISSN-2250-3641