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Dr. Balpreet Kaur
Conferences Attended
  • Sharma, R. R. & Kaur, B. (2015), "Viral marketing: Modeling the Antecedents of Email Receivers' Dissemination Behaviour", in Proceedings of 6th IIMA International Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economics, organized by Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahemdabad, Janauary 7-9, 2015, pp 379-384, ISBN 978-81-920800-3-1.


  • Kaur, B., Sharma, R. R. (2013), "A Study of Consumer's Attitude towards Green Products," in Proceedings of National Conference on Building Competitiveness in the Indian Manufacturing Sector, organized by GNA-IMT, Phagwara, March 9, 2013, pp 69-75, ISBN 978-81-921766-2-8



  • Kaur, B., Sharma, R. R. (2012), "Green Marketing Initiatives-A Study of Top Indian Companies," in Proceedings of UGC Sponsored National Conference on Contemporary Innovative Practices in Management, organized by HMV College, Jalandhar, September 22, 2012, pp 62-66, ISBN 978-93-830840-0-5.


  • Kumar, S., Kaur, B. & Sharma, R. R. (2012), “Quality of Work Life Among Workers with special reference to textile industry," in Proceedings of UGC Sponsored National Conference on Human Rights in the Present Socio-Economic Political Science, organized by SD College for Women, January 25, 2012, pp. 202-210, ISBN 978-81-922000-0-2.
    • Presented a paper titled “Perceptions towards Viral Marketing: Psychographic, Demographic and Geographic Segmentation” in International Conference on Strategic Perspectives-2022, Performance Implications of Internal and External Organizational Linkages organized by Faculty of Business Studies, DAV University Jalandhar on 24th and 25th September,2022.


    • Presented a paper titled “Analyzing the Disparate Impact of COVID-19 on students: challenges Unfolding the Education System” in International Conference on Industry 5.0: Human Touch, Innovation and Efficiency organized by Mittal School of Business, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, on 28 January, 2022.


    • Presented a paper titled “COVID-19-an era of disruption: Behavioural Transition in Consumers’ Demand” in Virtual International Conference on Rethinking Business-Designing Strategies in Age of Disruptions organized by Mittal School of Business, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, on 19th December, 2020.


    • Presented a paper titled "Coronavirus Disease Outbreak (COVID-19): Impact on the Indian Economy" in Virtual International Conference on World After Covid–19 Economic, Social and Political Transformations organized by University Business School Panjab University Regional Centre, Ludhiana, on May 25, 2020.


    • Presented a paper titled “Factors influencing consumer choice of celebrity endorsements and their consequent effect on purchase behaviour” in the international Conference on Volatile Consumer Behaviour and Marketing held on April 19,2019 organized by Mittal School of Business, Lovely Professional University, Punjab.


    • Presented a paper titled “Measuring the impact of viral advertising creativity on hierarchy-of-effects: An application of structural equation modeling” in the international Conference on Volatile Consumer Behaviour and Marketing held on April 19,2019 organized by Mittal School of Business, Lovely Professional University, Punjab.


    • Presented a paper titled "Scale Validation for Consumers' Perceptions towards Viral Marketing in the International Conference on Sustainable Development and Social Innovation in Business, organized by University School of Business, Chandigarh University, Mohali, Punjab, February25-26, 2019.


    • Presented a paper titled "Factors Affecting Behavioral Intentions to Use E-Banking Services" in the International Conference on Dynamics of Financial Sector Reforms, hosted by Mittal School of Business, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, April 6-7, 2018.


    • Presented a paper titled "Impact of Viral Advertising on Promotion of Financial Instruments" in International Conference on Financial Services Creating Business Values and Sustainability, organized by University Business School, Panjab University, Chandigarh, February, 23-24, 2018.


    • Presented a paper titled "Knowledge Management Practices and Organizational Ethos-An Empirical Study" in the International Conference on Strategic Competency Mapping for Talent Management and Retention, hosted by University Business School, Panjab University Chandigarh, January 18-19, 2018.


    • Presented a paper titled "Modeling the effects of creativity in viral video advertising - An empirical study" in International Conference on Marketing, Technology and Society, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, September 29- October 1, 2016


    • Presented a paper titled "Viral Marketing: Modeling the Antecedents of Email
      Receivers' Dissemination Behaviour" in 6th IIMA International Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, Indian Institute of Management, Ahemdabad, January 7-9, 2015


    • Presented a paper titled "Consumers' Perceptions towards Viral Marketing: An Empirical Study of Punjab in International Conference on Contemporary issues in Leadership and Management organsied by Hans Raj Mahila Vidalaya Jalandhar, Jan 17-18, 2014.


    • Presented a paper titled "Effectiveness of Viral Marketing Campaign in Product Promotion of a Company" in International Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economics: An Agenda for the Next Decade, organized jointly by PTU and University of North Carolina, USA on 15-16th December, 2012.


    • Presented a paper titled "Ethical issues in Rural Marketing" in International Conference on Marketing: Emerging Issues, Challenges and Strategies organised by Chandigarh Business School, Ghruan, March 24, 2012.


    • Presented a paper titled “Consumer’s perceptions towards Viral Marketing: An Empirical Study of Punjab in International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Leadership and Management organized by HMV College, Jalandhar on January 17-18,2014


    Papers Presented in National Conferences

    • Presented a paper entitled "Effectiveness of Global Viral Marketing" in ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on Global Issues in Management organised by University Business School, Panjab University, Chandigarh, March, 28, 2017


    • Participated in National Seminar “Higher Education in Modern Context: Problems and Solutions”, Held at S.C.D. Govt. College, Ludhiana on September, 13th, 2015.


    • Participated in National Seminar on "Agri Business Management" by Dr. Sukhpal Sukh, Professor, IIM Ahmedabad organised by KCL-Institute of management and Technology, Jalandhar, March 16, 2015.


    • Presented a paper entitled "Modeling the Factors Affecting Consumers' Attitude towards Viral Marketing- An Empirical Study" in National Conference on Sustaining and Enhancing Competitiveness in Today's Business Scenario organised by GNA University, March 21, 2015.


    • Presented a paper entitled "Global Viral Advertisement: Modeling the Determinants and Impact of Viral Content   - A Cross Cultural Study" at the annual 67th All India Commerce Conference of The Indian Commerce Association, hosted by KIIT University and Department of Commerce, Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar from December 27, 2013 to December 29, 2014.


    • Presented a paper entitled "Increasing Role of Electronic Word-of-Mouth in Consumers' Decision-Making Process" in 5th National Conference on Innovative Management Practices for Business Excellence organised by GNA Institute of Management and Technology, March 15, 2014.


    • Presented a paper entitled "Corporate Social Responsibility: Initiatives of Indian Companies in Health and Education Sector" in Two-day National conference on Corporate Regulatory Reforms- perspective, Issues and Challenges Under New Company Law organised by DAV College Jalandhar and Jalandhar Chapter of NIRC of ICSI, March 8-9, 2014.


    • Presented a paper entitled "Modeling the Affect of usability of Virtual Opinion Platforms on Customer satisfaction and Spreading the Positive Word-of-Mouth- An Empirical Study" at the annual 66th All India Commerce Conference of The Indian Commerce Association, hosted by Department of Commerce, Bangalore University, Bangalore from December 5, 2013 to December 7, 2013.


    • Presented a paper entitled "A Study of Consumer's Attitude towards Green Products" in National Conference on Building Competitiveness in the Indian Manufacturing Sector organised by GNA-IMT, March 9, 2013.


    • Presented a paper entitled "Green Marketing Initiatives-A Study of Top Indian Companies" in National Conference (UGC sponsored) on Contemporary Innovative Practices in Management organised by HMV College, Jalandhar, September 22, 2012


    • Presented a paper entitled "Job satisfaction of university teachers in relation with motivation" in HR Summit 2012 (PTU sponsored) on Future of Strategic HR: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead organised by KCL-IMT, March 16, 2012.


    • Presented a paper entitled "Going Green: A Corporate Social Responsibility of Companies:" in National Seminar (AICTE, PTU sponsored) on Emerging Management Practices in the Global Business Environment organised by GNA-IMT, March 10, 2012


    • Presented a paper entitled "Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on the Buying Behaviour of Youth" in National Seminar (UGC sponsored) on Impact of Advertisement organised by Shahzada Nand College Amritsar, Feb 25th and 26th


    • Presented a paper entitled "Quality of Work Life Among Workers with special reference to textile industry" in National Seminar (UGC sponsored) on Human Rights in the Present Socio-Economic Political Scenario organised by Department of Political Science, PCM-S.D. College for Women Jalandhar, January 25, 2012.