Department of Electrical Engineering Laboratories
- DC machine laboratory:
- Single and three phase transformers
- Different types of DC Motors
- Series/Shunt/Compound DC Generators
- AC machine laboratory:
- Load-test on three-phase Induction motor
- No-load and blocked–rotor tests on three-phase Induction motor
- Speed control of three-phase Induction motor by Kramer’s Concept
- Speed control of three-phase Induction motor by cascading of two induction motors
- Star- delta starters
- Three-phase slip–ring induction motor
- No-load and blocked–rotor test on single-phase Induction motor
- Load–test on single-phase
- Voltage regulation of an alternator by zero power factor (ZPF.) method
- Parallel operation of three phase alternators
- Starting of synchronous motors using Auxiliary motor and Using Damper windings
- Power Electronics Laboratory:
- Operation of SCR
- Characteristics of UJT and to use UJT as relaxation oscillator
- Effect of free-wheeling diode on power factor for single phase half-wave rectifier with R-L load.
- Study of single phase full-wave, fully controlled bridge rectifier, for resistive and resistive cum inductive loads
- Microprocessor based firing control of a bridge converter
- Three phase fully controlled bridge converter
- Jones chopper
- Thyristorised speed control of a D.C. Motor
- Speed Control of induction motor using thyristors
- Study of series inverter circuit and to check its performance
- Single-phase cycloconverter
- Performance of a McMurray half-bridge inverter
- Basic Electrical and Electronics Laboratory :
- Verify Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Current Law and Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
- Verify Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems
- Verify Superposition theorem
- Verify Maximum Power Transfer theorem
- Study frequency response of a series R-L-C circuit and determine resonant Frequency and Q-factor for various values of R, L and C
- Frequency response of a parallel R-L-C circuit and determine resonant frequency and Q-factor for various values of R, L and C.
- Direct load test of a transformer
- Open circuit and short circuit test on transformer
- Speed control of DC motor
- Measurement of power in a three phase system by two wattmeter method
- V-I characterics of PN-junction diode
- Verify the truth table of logic gates
- Measurement and Instrumentation laboratory
- Wheatstone Bridge
- Kelvin's Bridge
- Anderson's Bridge
- Schering Bridge
- Wien’s Bridge
- Photo transistors and photo electric transducers
- Measurement of Displacement using LVDT
- Measurement of Temperature using RTD
- Light Measurement using LDR & Photo Cell
- Measurement of Strain using Strain Gauge