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Certificates & Examination

There are three Certificates in NCC.

  1. Certificate – AEE

It can be taken by JD/JW cadets of the NCC, during class year 8 and 9. After passing those classes it can't be obtained. The candidate must have attended a minimum 75% of total training periods laid down in the syllabus for the first and second years of JD/JW NCC (All Wings). The candidate must have attended one Annual Training Camp.

  1. Certificate – BEE

It can be taken by SD/SW cadets of the NCC, after class year 10 and those studying for a degree. The candidate must have attended a minimum 75% of total training periods laid down in the syllabus for the first and second years of SD/SW NCC (All Wings). The cadet must have attended one Annual Training Camp/NIC. Cadets who possess Certificate - A will be awarded 10 bonus marks. An air wing cadet must do a minimum 10 Glider launches.

  1. Certificate – CEE

Is the highest level certificate for NCC cadets. It can be taken in the 3rd year of training, in the 3rd year of degree course. Those who possess a Certificate - B can take it in the first year after their +2, and in the 1st year of their degree. The cadet must have attended two Annual Training Camps or one Annual Training Camp and one of the following: RD Camp Delhi, Centrally Organised Camp, Para Training Camp, Attachment Training with service units, National Integration Camp, Youth Exchange Programme, or Foreign Cruise (Navy Wing only).
