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Ridhi Kapoor
FDP Attended
  • STC on “Research Trends in Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Jalandhar 17-21st July 2019
  • Attended One Week Short Term Course on “Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology Trends (ACSITT 2017)” from January 2nd To January 6th 2017, Organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Dr. BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar under TEQIP-II
  • Attended One Week Faculty Development Program on “Research Methodology and tools for Data Analysis” from July 26th to July 30th 2016, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Applications at DAV University, Jalandhar.
  • Attended One Week Short term course on “Recent trends in Software Engineering & Knowledge Mining” from June 1st to June 5th 2015, Organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Dr. BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar under TEQIP-II
  • Attended One day workshop on “Interfacing Innovation & IPR for diffusion of technology” on September 12, 2014, Organized by NRDC & DAV University, Jalandhar.
  • Attended One Week Short Term Course on “Data Analysis and Soft Computing(DASC-2014)” from 9th-13th June 2014, Organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Dr. BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar under TEQIP-II
  • Attended One Week Short Term Course on “Advances in Software Engineering & Knowledge Based Systems(ASEKBS-2013)” from 9th-13th June 2014, Organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Dr. BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar under TEQIP-II