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Ms. Rajdeep Kaur
  1. Kaur, R., Kaur Chahal, K., & Saini, M. (2020). Understanding community participation and engagement in open source software Projects: A systematic mapping study. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, DOI: (SCIE, SCOPUS, Impact Factor: 8.839).
  2. Kaur, R., & Kaur Chahal, K. (2022). Exploring Factors Affecting Developers’ Abandonment of Open Source Software Projects. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. (SCIE, SCOPUS, Impact Factor: 1.864)
  3. Kaur, R., Chahal, K. K., & Saini, M. (2022). Analysis of Factors Influencing Developers' Sentiments in Commit Logs: Insights from Applying Sentiment Analysis. E-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, 16(1), 220102 DOI: 37190/e-Inf220102. ISSN: 1897-7979 (ESCI, SCOPUS).
  4. Kaur R, Chahal KK. Analysis of Community Dynamics in Open Source Software Projects. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Engineering. 2017 Nov