Date-Sheet for Reappear Exam of Term-2425D Click Here >>
Reappear / Improvement Registration for Term 2425D - Notice Click Here >>
Mrs. Rashmi Randev
FDP Attended

1. Ugc Sponsored Refresher Course by Panjab University, Chandigarh in Teacher Education from 20.02.2021– 05.03.2021 Got A grade 

  1. Completed online Refresher Couse under Ministry of Education in “Advanced Research Methodology” from 21stJune to 5thJuly sponsored by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University o f Delhi Got A+ Grade

3.Participated in  FDP on Building Writing Skills from 19.11.2022- 23.11.2022 organised by Kanya Maha Vidhalaya, Jalandhar

4. Participated in FDP on Enchancing Teaching and Learning in Higher Education organised by IQAC, DAV University, Jalandhar from 5.12.2024 - 10.12.2024

4.Completed  IGNOU Online Course  PDP on Implementation of . NEP 2020 or University and College Teachers from 21stDecember to 31stDecember,2022 Got A grade

