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Dr. Arvind Mahindru (Coordinator)
Book Chapters/Books

Book Published as an Author

Title of the Book: “.Net Framework Application Development.”

Publisher: Shree Publications.

ISBN Number 987-81-907333-4-2 Year 2012. 


Book Chapter Published as an Author

Arvind Mahindru and A.L. Sangal.Feature-based semi-supervised learning to detect malware from android.” Automated software engineering: a deep learning-based approach. Publisher Name: Springer, Cham.  pp- 93-118 Print ISBN: 978-3-030-38005-2. Online ISBN: 978-3-030-38006-9.  [DOI:]


Arvind Mahindru and A.L. Sangal. “Perbdroid: effective malware detection model developed using machine learning classification techniques.” A journey towards bio-inspired techniques in software engineering. Publisher Name: Springer, Cham. pp- 103-139.   Print ISBN: 978-3-030-40927-2. Online ISBN 978-3-030-40928-9. [DOI:]

Arvind Mahindru and Himani Arora. “DNNdroid: Android Malware Detection Framework Based on Federated Learning and Edge Computing” Publisher: Springer. [DOI:]


Arvind Mahindru “ANNDroid: A Framework for Android Malware Detection Using Feature Selection Techniques and Machine Learning AlgorithmsPublisher: Springer. [DOI:]

