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Dr. Raspreet Kour
  • A paper namely “Higher education of tribal girls in Jammu: status and challenges” published in Shodha Prabha ( UGC Care Journal) Volume 48, Issue 10, June 2023 with ISBN NO.0974-8946
  • A paper namely “Development of life skills through folklore pedagogy at elementary level of education” published in the International Journal in Advanced Research (IJAR). Volume 10. Issue 04, April 2022 with DOI:21474/IJAR01/14649
  • A paper namely “Promoting Research, Innovation and Excellence: An Unrelenting Endeavor of University of Jammu” published in University News, A Weekly Journal of Higher Education, Association of Indian Universities. Volume 59, issue 30, July 26-August 01, 2021 with ISBN no.0566-2257.
  • A paper namely “Transformative Hybrid Learning in Higher Education: A Futuristic Approach” published in E- Magazine of Educational Technology and Management Academy (ETMA) on July-August 2021.
  • A paper namely “A study of mental health of orthopaedically impaired and non- orthopaedically impaired children in Jammu” published in UGC Care list Journal Alochana Chakra, volume IX, issue X, October 2020 with ISBN no.22313990.
  • A chapter namely “Innovation in Higher Education- Contribution to the Society” published in a book with ISBN no. 978-93-5113-941-6.