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Dr. Rashika Mahajan (Gold Medalist)
  • Rashika Mahajan, Y.S. Bagal, L.K. Sharma, P.S. Slathia and Rakesh Sharma. 2022. Adoption of critical production technologies of basmati rice (Oriza sativa var. indica) in erstwhile Jammu and Kashmir state, India. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development, 17(4): 901-908.
  • Mahajan R. and Bagal Y.S. Ongoing experiences of students about online learning during Covid-19 pandemic. 2021. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 3(5): 10754-10755.
  • Rashika Mahajan, P.S. Slathia, Rakesh Nanda, S.K. Gupta, L.M. Gupta and Manish Sharma. A test to measure the knowledge of farmers about lavender cultivation. 2022. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development, 17(2): 533-536.
  • Sagir Ahmed, Y.S. Bagal, Rashika Mahajan and L.K. Sharma. 2020. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 9(5): 1168- 1173.
  • Rashika Mahajan, Yudhishther Singh Bagal and Lakshmi Kant Sharma. A study on adoption rate of hybrid rice in Jammu district, India. 2020. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 9(4): 2905-2913.
  • Rashika Mahajan, P.S. Slathia, Rakesh Nanda, S.K. Gupta, L.M. Gupta and Manish Sharma. Development of scale to measure attitude of farmers towards lavender crop. 2023. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development, 18(2): 573-577.