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Dr. Priyanka


  • Virdi, A. S., Singh. N., Pal, P., Kaur, P. and Kaur, P. (2019). Evaluation of head and broken rice of long grain Indica rice cultivars: Evidence for the role of starch and protein composition to head rice recover. Food Research International.
  • Pal, P., Singh, N., Kaur, P. and Kaur, A. (2018). Effect of parboiling on phenolic, protein and pasting properties of rice from different paddy varieties. Journal of Food Science, 83: 2761-2771.
  • Kaur, P., Singh, N., Pal, P. and Kaur, A. (2018). Traditional and improved paddy varieties: composition, protein, pasting and gluten free chapati making properties. Cereal Chemistry, 95: 666-678.
  • Kaur, P., Singh, N., Pal, P. and Kaur, A. (2018). Variation in composition, protein and pasting characteristics of different pigmented and non pigmented rice (Oryza sativa. L) grown in Indian Himalayan region. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55:3809-3820.
  • Kaur, P., Pal, P.,Virdi, A. S., Kaur, A., Singh, N., and Mahajan, G. 2016a. Protein and starch characteristics of milled rice from different cultivars affected by transplantation date. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 53: 3186–3196.
  • Pal, P., Singh, N., Kaur, P., Kaur, A., Virdi, A. S., and Parmar, N. 2016b. Comparison of composition, protein, pasting, and phenolic compounds of brown rice and germinated brown rice from different cultivars. Cereal Chemistry. 93:584-592.
  • Pal, P., Kaur, P., Singh, N., Kaur, A.,  Misra, N. N., Tiwari, B. K., Cullen, P. J., and Virdi, A. S. 2016a. Effect of nonthermal plasma on physico-chemical, amino acid composition, pasting and protein characteristics of short and long grain rice flour. Food Research International. 81:50-57
  • N., Paul, P.,Virdi, A. S., Kaur, P., and Mahajan, G. 2014. Influence of early and delayed transplantation of paddy on physicochemical, pasting, cooking, textural and protein characteristics of milled rice. Cereal Chemistry. 91: 389-397.
  • Pal, P., Kaur, P., Singh, N., Kaur, P., Inouchi, N. and Kubota, Y. 2022. Morphological, Thermal, and Rheological Properties of Starch from Brown Rice and Germinated Brown Rice from Different Cultivars. Starch-Starke.
  • Kaur, P., Singh, N., Pal, P. and Kaur. A. 2022. Functional, amino acid composition and protein profiling of protein isolates from different pigmented, nonpigmented and improved rice varieties and their effects on starch thermal and dynamic rheological behaviour. International Journal of Food Science & Technology.

