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Dr Priti
  • Priti, Panchta R, Yadav RC, Pahuja SK and Yadav NR (2023) Linkage mapping and identification of quantitative trait loci associated with bacterial leaf blight resistance and gum content in cluster bean using the interspecific population (HG563 × Cyamopsis serrata). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 701501–1516.  (IF-1.8)
  • Priti, Panchta R, Dahiya GS, Yadav RC and Yadav NR (2022) Genetic relationships among seed yield components in F3:4 population derived from interspecific cross (HG563 x Cyamopsis serrata Shinz.) of cluster bean. Green Farming, 13 (5-6): 455-460.
  • Priti, Jangra S, Baranwal V.K., Dietzgen R.G. and Ghash A (2021) A rapid field-based assay using recombinase polymerase amplification for identification of Thrips palmi, a vector of Journal of Pest science, 94: 219-229. (IF-5.9)
  • Priti, Mukherjee S.K., Ghosh A. (2022) Silencing of Thrips palmi UHRF1BP1 and PFAS using antisense oligos induces mortality and reduces tospovirus titer in its vector. Pathogens, 11(11):1319. (41)
  • Ghosh A, Priti, Mandal B., Dietzgen R.G. (2021). Progression of Watermelon bud necrosis virus infection in its vector, Thrips palmi. Cells,10(2): (IF-7.6)
  • Mahanta D.K., Jangra S., Priti, Sharma P.K., Iquebal M.A., Satika J., Bawanwal V.K., Kalia V., Chander S., Ghosh A. (2022) Groundnut Bud Necrosis Virus Modulates the Expression of Innate Immune, Endocytosis, and Cuticle Development-Associated Genes to Circulate and Propagate in Its Vector, Thrips palmi. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:773238. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.773238. (IF-5.26)